Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

I hope you all have a very safe and fun day. We will be sitting outside passing out candy because Emma goes ballistic every time someone rings the doorbell haha. We aren't dressing up but thanks to Target I will be wearing this cute shirt:

Can't go wrong with clearance!!! :)

We do however dress up Emma and Fishy so without further ado:

Emma the Shark:

Fishy the Pig

Of course I only put Fishy's costume on him to get a picture (and he still was very pissed haha). Emma will wear hers and sit outside with us to pass out candy. She loves all the attention.

I hope you all have a fun evening!!


  1. Cute! My sister bought that same shark costume for my parents' chihuahua last year. :)

  2. I hope Emma is feeling better after her seizure last night! Poor sweet girl! She makes a very adorable shark.

    I love Fishy's face. LOL.

    The critters here at Casa 1014 do not dress up as the cats would be very angry and the dogs would have too much fun chewing them off each other. I'm also not passing out candy... because I'm still not well and well the kids in my neighborhood are heathens. Haha. I don't want them anywhere need my yard. I guess I'm the scrooge of Halloween.

  3. Those costumes are great! I never see cats with costumes. I have costumes somewhere for my dogs, but I think they are storage and there is no way I am digging through that thing this year.

  4. Where did you get Fishy's costume? I would love to dress up my kitties (even though they'd hate it.) Fishy looks great as a pig! Esther Norine Designs

  5. Hahaha...your cat looks pissed! That's hilarious!
    I miss my kitty! I used to put devil ears on her for Halloween


  6. That shark costume is amazing! I love it.

  7. oh my goodness, cutest doggy costume ever...I think I just sighed a little. so adorable.

  8. I dont dress up either, but I love the animals'!

  9. blahahahahaha Fishy looks sooooooo pissed!! That picture just made my day!! Gotta love Tar-jay! I contemplated buying a shirt to wear to work, but decided against it since it’s always so cold in our office I would probably over it with a sweater!

  10. Hahahaha Fishy looked TICKED OFF!

  11. Hahaha! He does look seriously pissed! LOVE the shark costume!!

  12. Fishy looks absolutely ticked, lol.

    I got my cat a bee costume. She just sits there pathetically and stares at me like 'really, lady?'. the other cat howls and rolls around like a crazy cat until you take it off just to shut him up.

    Emma looks ADORABLE!

  13. OMG, too cute. Your cat's expression seriously made me laugh out loud. Does not look happy! Hope you enjoyed your Halloween passing out candy. I love to see all the cute costumes. Even though, I stop by frequently :), I am visiting you from the Wednesday Walkabout.

  14. LOL!!!! You cat reminds me of a very upset garfield! :) The pup looks thrilled though! Love the clearance shirt hun! Hope you had a great Halloween!

    Would love if you came by a signed up for the New Year's Cocktail Exchange!

  15. HILARIOUS pictures! I threatened to dress up my Bloodhound last year, but ended up being to sick to care by the time Halloween rolled around.
    We also sit outside and hand out candy. Our dog goes a little crazy with the doorbell constantly ringing, too.

  16. hahaha, love the pet costumes! and i want that shirt from target. hope you had the best halloween!

  17. The peet costumes are awesome. haha


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