A few days ago I commented on a post by the lovely Erica at Whimsical September about strollers and how there are so many different types to choose from. This led to her mentioning that I should write a post about how we made the decision to use a convertible car seat from Day 1. Instead of designating an entire post to that, I thought I would share some gadgets that have worked for us on this new journey of parenthood.
1. Chicco NextFit Convertible Car Seat.
I did a lot of research when I was pregnant and talked to a few different moms (particularly my sister) about car seats and what they enjoyed. I ultimately made the decision that a convertible seat was for us. I personally did not like the idea of lugging an infant seat around everywhere. I also knew that I was going to wear her as much as I could and therefore negated the need to lug a car seat around. Another potential obstacle was going out to eat, well we selected a stroller that was perfect for newborns, problem solved.
Erica was curious if it was a problem with a baby that falls asleep a lot in the car. Well, thankfully we haven't had that problem. E would fall asleep in her car seat and we would transfer her successfully to her rock n play. However, this might not work for others. Ultimately, we would do it again for a variety of reasons the biggest being able to have this seat until she is 65 pounds. It is rear facing from 5-40 pounds and forward facing from 22-65 pounds. E has always seemed comfortable in this seat, I don't feel like she is being squished. It has 9 different recline settings that change as she gets older and bigger. It is easy to install and very easy to transfer into different vehicles. We have been really happy with it.
2. Evenflo ProComfort Victory Jogger and Summer Infant 3D lite stroller
We knew from the start that we wanted a jogging stroller because of how much we run. Since we would not be using a travel system (it can accommodate an infant seat) I needed one that worked for newborns and I found this stroller. It's perfect! E seems comfortable in it and sleeps like a champ. We were using this for everyday errands as well but it became a little bulky for quick trips to the store.
I found the Summer Infant 3D lite stroller at Target. It was reasonably priced and is small and lightweight. I am happy with the 2 strollers that we have, they are exactly what we need. I do also wear her when I'm grocery shopping and for that I have an Ergo 360 (it's amazing!).
3.Summer Infant Pop N Play Portable Playard.
All parents know that when a baby becomes mobile it becomes challenging to get anything done. I was on the hunt for something to "contain" our on the go girl. I found this playard on Amazon and knew it was perfect. It can be used in any situation, inside or outside. It has mesh sides to it's breathable and E can see what is going on around her. You can buy it with or without the sun shade, we chose with and it's great for sunny days. It's been a win from the start.
All parents know that when a baby becomes mobile it becomes challenging to get anything done. I was on the hunt for something to "contain" our on the go girl. I found this playard on Amazon and knew it was perfect. It can be used in any situation, inside or outside. It has mesh sides to it's breathable and E can see what is going on around her. You can buy it with or without the sun shade, we chose with and it's great for sunny days. It's been a win from the start.
4. Baby Brezza
So this gadget may seem silly to a lot of people but to new parents who are exhausted in the middle of the night it is AMAZING!!! It is basically a keurig for formula. It heats the water to the right temperature and mixes it with the formula and dispenses it. My sister purchased this for us and wow. I would recommend it to anyone!
These are just some of the things that have helped us on the journey of parenthood. I am sure we will continue to find things that work. Of course what works for one family and baby may not work for others. :)
What baby items worked for you?
What baby items worked for you?

Not having any kids, I'm amazed at the number of strollers one have! My brother and his wife only have one, maybe 2 strollers, but I guess NYC apartment living will limit that!!
ReplyDeleteI love the baby bottle maker the best of all those! The things that have come out since I had my kids is amazing!
ReplyDeleteRight?! It's so nice to have.
DeleteSuch a good review! I was SO curious about your comment on my blog and perked up when I saw you blogged about this. Thanks for sharing! I wish I knew about the formula thing when I had Hadley. I cannot imagine what a lifesaver/luxury that is. If we have another baby that is formula-fed, that will be the first thing I buy!!
ReplyDeleteI'm planning to breastfeed but am definitely going to keep that formula gadget in the back of my mind just in case! Seems SO handy!!
ReplyDeleteThat baby brezza sounds awesome, especially for those late night feedings. And I feel like the debate over infant carseat and convertible carseat is probably one that a lot of people have!
ReplyDeleteI would have loved that Brezza thing. How incredibly smart. Can I just tell you the struggles we had 16 years ago? 3am feedings sucked :p
ReplyDeleteI was curious how it would work out using a convertible carseat from the get-go. Very interesting! I am terrible at transferring from carseat to crib. lol
ReplyDeleteSuch an interesting post! It's so overwhelming with all the different options for baby things!
ReplyDeleteGood post! We kinda' wish we would have gotten a convertible carseat from the start, but we opted for an infant carseat instead. We're thinking about swapping it soon though!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE that play yard. I need to get one. Also, yes to starting with a convertible seat. They become to heavy to lug around in an infant seat after like 6 months. We're only using one now because I got it free. LOL
ReplyDeleteOh nice! Everything looks great. I remember doing tons of research on car seats as well. I had a lightweight stroller too. I loved it.
ReplyDeleteI love having a lightweight stroller, it's so nice for quick trips.
DeleteI have LOVED that play yard since day one! It perfectly contained both my boys at the beach when necessary. Our other favorites were our Rock 'n Plays (we got 2 - one for each floor of our house), and we really, really loved our sound machine. Both boys had a little day/night confusion, and the sound machine helped settle them so much :)
ReplyDeleteI HATE the infant carriers! We had one when #babybigtruck was a newborn and used it till she was about 4 months and I said enough with that and put her in her convertible and it has been great! We held on to the infant seat and we use it in Mikes truck as a 2nd seat for #babybigtruck2 for right now and she's in a convertible in my truck. I had to use the infant seat with her for the first 3ish months because of how tiny she was but once she hit weight for the convertible she's been in it ever since. I also LOVE my Ergo 360 and use it ALL.THE.TIME Have you used it with the hip hold? I am not a fan of hip hold at all.
ReplyDeletethe summer infant stroller is one of the best purchases we have ever made. It works so well for our kids.