I am so sorry that Part 2 of the Home Tour has taken so long to put together! It's been a chore getting the rest of the house complete haha well mostly Kyle's man cave. If you missed Part I, click this link.
Without further ado, here is the rest of our home!
When we were looking for homes we knew that we needed a dedicated playroom for E. I absolutely love her space. I wanted the decorations to be fun but educational. My favorite is the solar system decals. She has a TV in there to watch cartoons if she wants and it has already proven to be really nice.
The next room you come to is the laundry room. I love that it's upstairs and that I don't have to drag laundry baskets up and down the stairs. It is HUGE!!! To the left we have Fishy's litter box plus his food and water. Eventually I would love to have my Dad build shelving on the far wall for storage.
If you continue right down the hallway you will come to Kyle's man cave. Since our first house we have always agreed that he has to have his own space. I don't want his gaming system downstairs and he likes to have a space he can retreat to and really relax. Believe me it's beneficial for our marriage to have our own space sometimes. He is still working on hanging things but he is happy with how it looks so far.
Connecting his room and the guest bedroom is a Jack and Jill bathroom. I've always wanted one and it's already proven to be awesome. It's the perfect size and great for guests.
This leads to the guest bedroom. I've never put too much thought into this room until now. I wanted it to be welcoming and cozy. I think I achieved that. I purchased that luggage rack on Amazon as well as the bedding.
Continuing on we come to E's bathroom. I had no idea what I wanted her theme to be and then as I was browsing the aisles at Target it jumped out at me. FLAMINGOS!! Almost everything came from Target except for the artwork which came from Hobby Lobby and the baskets are from Amazon. It's such a fun bathroom and makes me smile every time I open the door.
Next is E's bedroom. I wanted her room to be fun. Nothing fancy and nothing over the top. We don't keep many of her toys in there because she has the playroom but her books are in there as well as some puzzles. The artwork in her room are some of my favorites. The E above her bed was made by sister with buttons from my Mom's clothes and it's so special. She loves her room and we spend quite a lot of time in there.
The last rooms upstairs are our bedroom/bathroom. It is MASSIVE. I'm not exaggerating either haha. This is by far the largest bedroom we have ever had. There are his/her walk in closets which is pretty darn awesome.
The bathroom is my favorite space. I was adamant about having a bathtub. Not only did I get that but I got a 6 foot long bathtub haha.
I hope y'all enjoyed seeing the rest of our house!

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