Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Let's Be Honest!

It's that time again!!! I really enjoy writing these posts, they are a mix of serious and silly honest thoughts. 

Let's Be Honest....I really wish people would stop telling us that we need to have another baby! No, we don't. We are perfectly happy with E and we just don't want to go down that road again. We are a one and done family. I'm not sure why everyone is so concerned about what we do, E isn't going to suffer, I can assure you that. 

Let's Be Honest....Games of Thrones is giving me a damn heart attack! Every episode really does get better than the last and I just can't handle much more haha. I will be significantly angry if we have to wait until 2019 for the final season. 

Let's Be Honest....I may not have really cared about the Eclipse but it was neat seeing the change outside. We were in a totality location but we had stormy weather that day but I still snapped a few photos. 

The photo on the left was taken at 1:07pm and the photo on the right was taken at 1:09pm.

Let's Be Honest....I went to the Spouses Club Super Signup yesterday and I really tried to go into with an open mind but it felt exactly how I knew it would, just really uncomfortable. A lot of friends were set up as vendors there and it was nice to see them and support their businesses. But alas, the spouses club is just not for me. 

Let's Be Honest....I'm not ashamed to admit that I am obsessed with the cinnamon rolls from Hearth Bread Co. in Weston haha! I may workout on a consistent basis but I do it partly so I can indulge in these. I typically go once a week and come home with several, they are so worth it.

Let's Be Honest....I am realizing just how nervous I am for a true winter this year. I mean this born and raised desert girl has never experienced significantly cold/snowy weather. We have lived in Nevada, North Carolina, Arizona, Texas, and Louisiana so this Kansas climate is new for us. I'm sure it will be quite the adventure!

Wishing everyone an awesome Wednesday! 


  1. I'm super excited for fall/winter just because I hate thunderstorms and want that to be over with.
    I went to a Super Signup once and realized verrrry quickly that it wasn't for me.

  2. People are always asking if we are going to have another kid too. Mostly, I think it's because they are trying to make conversation and that's an easy thing to come up with. I can't have anymore kids, nor do I want anymore kids so I hear you!
    Enjoy the cinnamon rolls!

    1. I agree, it does tend to be an easy icebreaker for some.

  3. I still can't believe they killed the... you know.

    I don't know if that will be its book fate or not. But it makes sense for one of the dragons to fall as Aegon the Conqueror's sister-wife and her dragon died in Dorne due to a lucky shot.

  4. Those eclipse pictures are so cool! Good luck with your first real winter. I lived in Ohio growing up (and Minnesota for a bit) and after coming to California I quickly learned I never wanted to have a real winter again lol my suggestion is to just make the most of it :)

  5. People really are nosy about very private family planning issues. Tom and I are always combating questions about when we're having children. We're not. A personal decision we made together before getting married. We are perfectly happy having awesome nieces and nephews. People's reactions range from supportive to downright appalled.

    1. Yes!!!! Everyone has to make the best decisions for themselves. No one else should have a say in that.

  6. Okay, I have four kids and people still ask me when we will go for five! four not enough for you people? Fine. You pay to feed them! lol.

  7. Oh wow that is definitely a totality area. That's one of the most drastic pics of the eclipse I've seen. Love it!

    As to the first on - people really need to mind to mind their own business.

  8. That cinnamon roll looks soooo good! I was an only child (my parents had a lot of trouble getting pregnant), but I can't imagine life any other way. If E is anything like me, she'll grow up with a fantastic close relationship with both her parents!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  9. Loved this post!! And I love your honesty. Spouses clubs are not for me. I tried it for about a year but I found it to be cliquey. I couldn't really make any friends. Also, the spouses club near me only holds meeting during the day, so none of my friends who work regular jobs can go, and that bothers me because I feel like it's not inclusive.

  10. I hate that everybody has to give their opinions about your life, especially when it comes to babies! I felt like everybody just consistently asked when we were going to have kids when it really wasn't any of their business. And no wonder you're obsessed with those cinnamon rolls! They look so delicious and totally worth the calories!

  11. What exactly is the Super Signup versus the FRG?

  12. We have asked our son when the next grandbaby is coming...oh come on that's got to be different coming from happy grandparents...Right? ha ha Yes it's aggravating when you are completely happy but everyone wants to know when you are going to make a change, and another child is a big change. I still say from what I can see you are really a happy family.

  13. I don't really understand why people think it's ok to pry into others personal business. I don't see how it helps anyone. But that's just me :) Ok so what is a Spouses Club Super Signup? Sorry it didn't work out for you but sounds like it may have been a lucky escape!

    Good luck with winter. One of the reasons we moved here was to escape them...! I'm sure you'll enjoy the novelty though, and who knows, maybe I will end up missing them.

  14. Those cinnamon rolls look delish!! Send me some?? ;) People! Guess they've got nothing interesting to say, so... I'm not caught up on GOT yet, I just started watching it a few weeks ago, am only up to Season 5 or 6? Can't remember, haha. Argh. Ok, I'll be annoyed if we have to wait until 2019 for the final season. Gaaah

  15. Ohhhh the Spouses Club. I just can't do it. A friend invited me here at Drum, but it just wasn't for me. I went with an open mind, but yeah. I've also come to terms with the fact that as soon as we're done with our time here at Drum, I can't be the FRG leader again. I'll concede to being a co-leader, but holy moly. Nope.

  16. I am with you on Game of Thrones. I nearly fell out of my chair during the last episode. And now I want a cinnamon roll. I love them!

  17. Your eclipse photos are so neat!! We didn't get the full effect, so it really just looked like it was going to rain, not so much like night time.

  18. I didn't really care about the eclipse either but your pics are pretty cool of the totality area. Those cinnamon buns look amazing!!!!

  19. We had 90% totality and I didn't even notice a change. It was a bummer!

  20. I got so excited about the eclipse! I didn't think I would, but when it happened I freaked out haha!


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