Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Things I Have Learned

I am in my 29th year of life and thinking back to my early twenties I am realizing just how much I have changed. I jotted down a fun little list of some things that crossed my mind.

1. I am a cheap date....2 drinks and I am buzzed. I do not enjoy going out and getting wasted, I am too old for that.

2. I have ZERO patience for nonsense and drama. When I was younger I feeded off it, now I will remove people from my life for stuff like this.

3. I am not up to date on the current music scene. I guarantee if you ask me who most of the new artists are I will look at you with a blank stare.

4. I used to love being out and about now my idea of a perfect Friday night is laying on the couch in my pajamas playing farm heroes saga with Kyle. 

5. Staying out late is not fun anymore....I swear I should turn into a pumpkin at midnight. (Staying out until 2am for that football game did me in)

6. In my early twenties I loved getting new cars. Now I am more than happy with my paid off toyota corolla that has almost 100k miles on it. 

7. I am a cheapskate. :) I overanalyze every dollar spent in our household...I am so glad I am like this now.

8. I don't let the little things bother me anymore, I still notice them but they aren't a factor.

I think the best thing about this list is realizing that I am the best version of me. I have evolved and changed over the years, and I am happy.

How have you changed over the years?


  1. I've become more aware of my own mortality and have vowed to make the most of my time in this world. I've learned that I am happiest when on the move and forced into situations that make me uncomfortable. I've learned that I won't be satisfied unless I am doing everything in my power to take advantage of every situation and opportunity thrown my way.

    1. I love this! I can definitely relate to this.

  2. I agree with EVERYTHING you have on this list! Most importantly, the staying up late! I really dislike staying up late, its not worth it because you will sleep in too late the next morning and screw up sleep for at least a couple days.

  3. I'm not really sure how much I've changed, but after reading your list, I realized we like a lot of the same things!

  4. I'm the same with drama. I don't deal. At all.

  5. I am totally a cheapskate too! It's amazing how much I loved spending money when it was my mom's. Now that I actually have to work for it I don't want to spend a dime!

  6. LOL this post describes me to a T. Too funny. :) Glad I'm not the only one!

  7. I see myself in many of these, even though I don't play farm hero saga :-) I remember almost freaking out back in the day when I could not go out on a Friday or Saturday night, and nowadays, I'm happy cuddling on the couch, with a good glass of wine (or rather a hot chocolate right now). But I'm sure glad that I could party when I was a lot younger and don't feel "locked up" now :-)

  8. Same here. I think it is a sign of aging.

    I was out until 2am on Saturday for my best friend's bachelorette party and from midnight on I was just a zombie. Ugh. Not for me anymore.

  9. I think it's so crazy how much you change in your 20's! But as I like to think, changes in the better! :)

  10. All of this is me, except maybe the last one! Lately, we've been going to bed at 8:30. For some reason, I tend to focus on the stupid little stuff. Hopefully I can get over it like you did.

  11. I am night and day compared to my early twenties. Which I can't even say that because I felt like I changed so much after getting married at 19. I am much more calm now than I ever was before (thanks to children) haha!

  12. I can totally relate to the majority of them. By 10pm, I'm already fantasizing about wearing my sweatpants and calling it a night. Don't even get me started on the "music" nowadays…what happened to the good music?!


  13. You pretty much summed up exactly!

  14. I've never had a new car. Someday, that will happen haha.

  15. It is amazing how much one decade can change a person.

  16. Yes, yes, yes! A professor once told my class that his 40s were when life really started getting good because by then he really had a handle on who he was and what he liked. The closer I get to 40, the more I believe his words to be true.

  17. love this post! we are very similar in some ways -- many of the things you wrote I would say are the same for me!

  18. I can say mostly the same! I'm a 'cheapskate' too, and I LOVE it.


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