Friday, September 12, 2014

Hello Friday

This week has been full of moving prep, can I just say that I am ready to be in Louisiana already! I love moving but to be honest I do not enjoy the process of it.

Then you add in selling a house and it makes you want to pull your hair out on a daily basis. Then add in the emotions of selling said home, good lord I didn't think I had such an attachment to this house. We will be staying in a hotel for a month before we even leave El Paso and then in another hotel once we get to LA.

We have already taken down pictures and curtains, patched/painted nail holes, and patched a few stucco cracks that the buyers were concerned about. Their inspection and appraisal are done and they even want to move their closing date up to September 25th. We are ready to close this chapter of our lives and move on. The great thing about Army life is that there is always an opportunity to start over.

Oh and then you add in still going to school....yeah my brain is mush. I am in the last 2 weeks of my current courses. I will get a week break and then I will start 5 (yes 5) more classes:

(The geography class makes me chuckle lol)

I am sure at one point or another I will want to scream but hey it's life right?! A new adventures is waiting for us and I honestly can't complain.

I hope you all have an amazing weekend!


  1. Ugh - sorry you're so busy. Hopefully you'll find some time to relax this weekend!

  2. Busy, busy woman! It will settle down a bit after the move hopefully.

  3. You have alot on your plate. But it is gonna be good. Just keep calm and move on. Yes, it is hard to leave a house or car, for that matter. Memories are attached. Prayers for you in this season of life. Excited for you as well!!!

  4. You are so busy - super woman!! It will all be over and you'll be settled soon enough! :)

  5. I bet it's hard to clear out your house for the sale. It was definitely hard for us moving out of the apartment where Violet has grown up to move to our house, but after the moving part was done, I was very excited to start making new memories in our house :-) Keeping you in my thoughts!

  6. Ah, good luck with everything! How are you liking online classes?

  7. So glad the house sold and good luck with all those classes! I hit the 'ready to move' wall too, no matter how bittersweet the actual move is!

  8. You seriously are a rockstar at classes + running + everything else in life!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. 5 classes makes me want to faint. :)

    Good luck with the move and the classes you're in now, and about to be in when you're done. :)

  11. I understand what you mean about the process of moving. You have a very nice blog.

  12. You are on top of this move. The last one definitely snuck up on me. Pretty sure the movers packed papers I had put aside to throw away.

  13. Oh the moving adventures.... Always so enjoyable.

  14. I took Geog101 too! Hang in there :)

  15. Wow! You are a busy bee! Good luck with the closing. Do y'all have a house picked out in LA yet?

  16. So glad your house sold without too much stress and trouble! Have fun house hunting in Louisiana!

  17. I don't know how you do it all and go to school! I've been working the past couple weeks, and I'm so happy the contract ends Thursday and I can get a break. You are wonder woman.


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