Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday Social!

Happy Sunday everyone! I hope the time change isn't messing with you too bad. :) I wanted to link up with Ashley and Neely for this weeks Sunday Social.

Sunday Social

1. What is one movie you are terrified to watch?

The Strangers! When it first came out on DVD Kyle and I bought it. We watched it during the day and I vowed never to watch it again. It scared the s*** out of me.

2. What is one TV show you have always wanted to get into but haven't yet?

Downton Abbey. I have heard so many good things about it but I just haven't found the time to sit down and really commit to watching it. Maybe one day I will.

3. What is one daring activity on your bucket list?

I really want to go bungee jumping! I have been skydiving and it was an amazing experience so I figured bungee jumping is the next step.

4. Would you ever travel alone?

Are we talking overseas travel or domestic? I have done road trips by myself and have also flown by myself to see family.
5. What activities do you like to do alone?

I really enjoy baking by myself. Kyle normally doesn't bother me when I'm in the kitchen but if friends ask to bake with me it really gives me anxiety haha. My kitchen is my zen space.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!!


  1. I enjoy cooking with others, but baking needs to be alone! haha

  2. My kitchen is my space as well. I don't really want help when it comes to cooking or baking! Happy Sunday!

  3. Oh man, I want to get into Downton Abbey too, it's on Netflix so I'm trying but the beginning seems slow. And I agree with you about baking!

  4. I am so scared to go skydiving, but I think I'd rather do that than bungee jump! I feel like the jerk from the bottom of the bungee cord would dislocate something, haha!! And you are so brave for watching that movie - just looking at the cover creeps me out! My kitchen is also my zen space, so I feel you on that one too.

  5. I have heard so much about Downton Abbey but have yet to start it myself. I hear its worth it though.

    Stopping by from the social :)

  6. I definitely need fighting room when I'm baking so it doesn't work to have anyone else in the kitchen. When I'm cooking though, I love the company!!

  7. I cannot believe you went skydiving!!! OMG friend you are brave!!! Downton Abbey on the other hand, one of the most amazing shows EVER. PBS out did themselves!!! You must watch!!!

  8. Me baking with friends is the quickest way for them to realize how neurotic I am lol.

    You'll like Downton :). And us army wives are quite used to traveling alone. We usually don't have a choice?

  9. I've gone tandem diving, but it was years ago. I used to want to Bungee jump but now I'm thinking nah. Must be the years creeping up on me. ;)

  10. Downton Abbey is a must watch. The setting and costumes are amazing!!1.

    Stopping by from Sunday Social.

  11. Second that on the kitchen being the Zen space. Just wish my kitchen had more counter tops and a better layout.

    I love watching Downton Abbey. I even got my husband hooked on it.

  12. Baking is one thing I enjoy doing alone (when I do it). My husband scares the crap out of me when he tells me he's going to cook something. Haha :)

    1. Hahah that's too funny. My husband loves to cook, so a few times a month I let him. :)

  13. I like my kitchen space too. When I have company, I prefer to work alone in the kitchen. However, I do like baking with my daughters. My husband loves to cook. (I can't say the same for me.) When He is in the kitchen, I stay clear, but I usually clean up after him.

    Happy Sunday!

    :) Hope

  14. I've always wanted to sky dive. There's one close to us and maybe one day I'll get up the nerve to do it. I did a zip line at women's retreat and that was exhilarating for sure. I love to bake more than cook and I usually do it myself. I may ask for assistance in getting things if daughter is around. Have a great day!

  15. Stopping by from the link up. I LOVE baking! :)

    1. Thanks Jamie!! :) I am the happiest in the kitchen haha. :)

  16. I would think bungee jumping is less scary than sky diving! You've got it in the bag!!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  17. Baking is the best! Loving your blog lady ;)

    Xoxo Jamie

  18. I was so against watching Downton just because everyone was always posting about it and referencing weird old timey things because of it. But I finally gave in last fall and became instantly addicted.

  19. Oh my gosh I completely forgot about The Strangers. TERRIFYING. I must have suppressed it - haha! And I missed the Downton Abbey train too... trying to catch up on Netflix!

  20. Stopping by from the link-up and wanted to say hi! The Strangers is HORRIFYING! It's like one of my worst nightmares come true..weird house, middle of nowhere, nighttime, strangers staring at me from the yard...eeek. Looking forward to reading more of your blog! Take care!


    1. Hi Erica!!! :) So happy to have you. I don't think I have gotten over how scary The Strangers is haha. Awful!

  21. I flew from Guam back to Texas by myself (well, I had a bitty baby in my tummy, but I don't think that counts). It wasn't bad. I did use my frequent flyer miles to upgrade to first class though, so that made it nice!

  22. Bungee Jumping!! Ahhhhh!! I'm such a chicken. I don't have anything daring on my bucket list ;) LOL. I just recently got sucked into the whole Downton Abbey thing...I have a love/hate relationship with you saw on my post about it, LOL

  23. My hubby made me watch the Strangers too and it is SO creepy! That's up there with scary movies for me. Along with The Ring and The Hills Have Eyes. EEEEK.

  24. I don't do any type of scary movies. I walked out of House on the Haunted Hill because it just felt wrong. Then me and my friend had to walk several miles home past farms and there were no lights. We were FREAKED out!

    I've been traveling alone since I was 17/18. Overseas even. Not fun, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm a little nervous about flying next month. I haven't flown in a while and I'm pretty sure things have changed in the last 6 years.

  25. I'm the same way about cooking! I get so anxious when there are too many people in the kitchen! Lol. :)


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