Sunday, March 3, 2013

privacy is a wonderful thing.

I am so happy that we got a few items check off our home improvement list yesterday. The biggest one was getting the blind for our front door installed. Kyle did a great job and it looks awesome. Now you can't see through our front door haha:

If any of you need custom blinds done, order from they were amazing to work with. 

 We also got the light bulbs replaced and thanks to Target and their 5% off we didn't have to pay an arm and a leg.

I am headed to the gym in a little and then relaxing the rest of the day. I hope you all have a great Sunday!

PS: Thank you all for your sweet words yesterday, it really meant a lot. :) I had my Mom with me so it was a good day.



  1. I always keep the blinds drawn in my house (or what's left of them as the cats have destroyed most of them). I don't have a single set of curtains hanging. March 31st... I'll have been here a year and it still looks like a college student lives here. I need style help! LOL.

  2. The blind looks amazing and your moms ring is gorgeous. I hope you're having a great weekend!

  3. The blinds look great! We had to do that on our back door. I hated walking in our kitchen at night until we put them up, haha!

  4. yes, the blind is great and Kyle did a good job. seems like homes now homes come with SO many see through doors. we just did an energy efficient tinted window to help keep the house cooler in these Florida summers. it is nice. enjoy!

    1. Oh I'm sure it is nice! I'm all about being energy efficient. :)

  5. Thankfully the previous owners here put shaded screens on our windows, so at least during the day we have our privacy. Have to remember to drop the blinds at night though.

  6. I wouldn't want anyone looking in my front door, either! Beautiful and meaningful necklace <3

  7. People could see through your front door before?? haha that would've creeped me out, I'm a scaredy cat sometimes. Love the necklace by the way xo

    1. You couldn't see directly in but you could see if the tv was on and we didn't like that. :)

  8. I love your front entrance...the blind looks great!! We had no blinds in our hose for like a week and I hated it...everyone could see in our house and our neighbors would comment on what we were doing if they saw us out in the front yard. It was such a relief to get blinds up!!

    1. Thanks!! :) Thankfully that's the only way people could see into the front. Oh wow I'm sure it was a relief to get blinds up.

  9. The blind looks great! Glad you had a productive weekend. Your necklace is beautiful. :)

  10. The blinds look great! I hate it when people can see into my house, so the blinds are drawn most of the time. I open them if I am home, otherwise, they are shut. Hope you have a great week!

  11. I remember the whole privacy thing. It took us forever to get blinds up.

    I think that ring is so beautiful and I think that that is an amazing tribute to her. she is with you.

  12. Ooh...nice! I'll definitely check them out.


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