Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Saturday was a big day in our family! Our precious, Emersyn, turned 2! We were able to celebrate with my family in Florida and it was wonderful.

It is so hard to believe that this precious little peanut is not so little anymore. It really feels like she was just born and now she has so much personality. She is also starting preschool today and we are so excited for her to have this experience. 
Her personality is electric. I can honestly say that she has never met a stranger. She is always saying hi to people and she is such a joy to be around. One of my favorite things that she does is, she will be talking herself and all of the sudden she breaks out in laughter. It is the funniest and cutest thing.
I hope she always has this joy for life and for those around her. 

One of the best things is that she marches to the beat of her own drum. We can already see her independence shining through and it's amazing to see. She wants to know everything and see everything, her curiosity and intelligence impresses us every single day. I will say though she has quite the sarcastic personality haha! 
These last two years have been an amazing adventure! Being a parent is hard but gosh it is so rewarding and life-changing in so many good ways.
We love you, E! Thank you for making our lives so much more special and fun!

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