Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Experiencing Life With Kids

One of the most common things we heard before we had E was "You won't be able to do the things you want to do once you have kids". For a while we really did think this way because SO many people said it. We thought that we would be stuck at home all the time.

When I was pregnant we received one of the best pieces of advice from a friend. 

"Kids shouldn't stop you from doing the things you like to do, kids should just be added to the fun."

We knew from the start that we would implement this because we enjoy seeing new places and experiencing new things. We like exploring places and we wanted E included no matter what. When she was born we wanted her to be comfortable in public places, her first outing was at a week old. We did our best to not alter our way of life simply because we had a baby. We continued to go to restaurants and she ultimately learned to go with the flow. Is it always going to be easy to go places with her? No, but why can't we at least try. We aren't strict on nap times, if we are out, we don't rush home so she can nap. She is an expert carseat sleeper, which is so appreciated. We want her to appreciate history and culture, this is why we travel with her. While it may only be to the next town over there is still so much to experience. 

We added her into our running, she LOVES the jogging stroller. She did her first race with us when she was 3 weeks old and has continued to run with us. She sees the stroller and gets excited haha. She is part of that journey now. 

I got a few comments on my last post about how it was irresponsible of us to take her to a distillery (I did not publish them because I don't want the negativity, but I did address them privately because they are certainly entitled to their opinion). I don't understand how it's irresponsible to include our daughter in things we do. She was in a carrier and not partaking in alcoholic beverages. We ensure before we do anything that kids are welcome, if not, we won't do it. It's simple as that. But if kids are allowed and we want to do it, it will happen. We know that there will be things we can't include her in and we know that we need our time as a couple as well.

Life is an adventure and we want to include E in every aspect of that. The addition of kids shouldn't take away from your experiences, it should enhance them. Being able to see and experience places through your kid's eyes is incredible. E is still young but we see how inquisitive she is with every new experience and it's amazing. I can't wait to continue these adventures as she gets older. I am grateful that Kyle and I are on the same page when it comes to this. 

At the end of the day, we are a family, and we are experiencing life together. 


  1. We take our kids just about everywhere with us, and for the most part we do kids things. I am not one for a babysitter, so we have kind of learned through trial and error where we are comfortable taking all four kids. We did travel a lot more and go out a lot more when it was just Ace, now that we are largely outnumbered it is a lot more work so we pick and choose, but for the most part we do so much with our traveling circus.

  2. People seriously said that? That's not irresponsible at all. Sorry you received some of those hateful comments, but I'm glad you're confident enough to take those in stride. There have been so many times where we didn't have a babysitter but really wanted (needed!) to get out and do something, so we took the kids with us. We get them out and about and do stuff all the time, just like you do with E. I'm glad having a baby isn't holding you all back from doing stuff and exploring your new area. Good for you!

  3. What. It's not like she was drinking? Lol. That's pretty silly. As long as she's well behaved, bring her....ppl are so stupid.

    1. Oh I know. We were the only ones on the tour and the people who worked there absolutely loved her!

  4. I love this! I feel the exact same way. Kids are an amazing addition to your life - not a hindrance!

    LOL at whoever said you shouldn't take E to a distillery!! Like booze is just going to find its way into her bottle without your knowledge...

  5. Wow! It's not like you were giving E any alcohol! I think it's great that y'al still adventure with her!

  6. Why do so many people on the internet feel the need to shame other parents? I think it's great that you do so much with her. Especially because your time in Kansas is limited, if you wait until she's "old enough", you'll be at your next duty station and have missed out on so many memories.

    1. I agree! I just want to raise her the best way we know how. We couldn't imagine not including her and shutting ourselves into our house.

  7. Love this post! I honestly think that part of the reason why Kensington is such a chill baby at almost three months is the fact that we take her out with us everywhere. Life does not stop just because you've got children, and I love that this is something you guys are taking full advantage of. People will always find a reason to judge, but just keep doing what's best for you and your family :)

  8. This is the kind of mum I hope to someday be - kids should not stop you.

  9. It is totally not irresponsible for you to take E to a distillery. Why shouldn't you take her someplace that you're going to enjoy and that she will too if she's welcome. It's not as if y'all got totally wasted and then couldn't drive home afterwards! Chris and I are totally planning on taking the babies to breweries and wineries with us and I'm sure that they'll have lots of sober fun while we're enjoying a drink. I don't think that's such a big deal.
    To be honest, Chris and I are very worried about how much life is going to change when these babies are born, but I love your outlook on babies enhancing your experiences and not detracting from them. I definitely need to keep that in mind!

  10. When I had Levi 12 years ago I heard some of the same things. But like you, we have always included our kids in whatever we have done. I took Delylah to a winery because My BF and I were celebrating our first 5k together that we did with the kids and the winery had just opened near our house. The kids had fun and so did we! My kids will always be a part of everything I do and they will grow up appreciating things much more and already having knowledge of things that sheltered kids don't. I see it already every day!
    Enjoy your life with your family!

    1. I completely agree!!! They will certainly appreciate experiences more when they are exposed to them.

  11. I cannot believe people commented on that in such a judgmental way! People raise their kids they way they think is best and I see nothing wrong with your way. If I ever get the chance to have them I would be raising them the same way. Sheltering kids is not always the best way!

  12. That's one of the reasons why they let babies in, there's almost no chance they're taking a "drink". I didn't think twice about it.

  13. People are so weird. I hate that we get looks for having our kids out and about. They are people too and deserve to experience life just the same. Good on you guys!

  14. Gaah! They're entitled to their opinion but seriously?!!? It's not like you were giving E shots of bourbon or whatever. I love that she's incorporated into your lives instead of you guys switching your lives around. And yes! Your way seems to be working like a gem since she is soo incredibly chilled!! You guys rock!!

  15. Awh I am sure she will grow up with a sense of adventure and be happy to be included in your life rather than kept from it. In my house growing up children were "meant to be seen and not heard" (a direct quote from my mom) so I never felt included in the family and instead felt like a burden to my mom and like I was always in the way.

  16. I love your attitude to life with kids, and if we ever have them I hope to do the same. I quite like my life, I've spent a long time getting it the way I want it, so I'm not just going change everything if we have a child.

    I can't believe people had anything negative to say about E going with you to the distillery! What did they think she was going to do? Jump headlong into a brewing vat?!?

  17. I totally agree with this! Kids should only add to the experiences not take them away. It may not look exactly the same but it is a good modification! Whoever said that E shouldn't be in the distillery, well too bad. If the company says kids are welcome then bring the kids. There is a lot that can be learned from visiting a distillery, more than just taste testing lol! Glad kids aren't holding you all back!

    1. Exactly! I didn't go for the alcohol, I went for the history. Kids learn so much when they are included.

  18. Gah I HATE judgers! To each their own I say! We have taken #babybigtruck to wineries with us! People need to mind their own business! I am totally with you on taking the kids where ever we can whenever we can! Do you and don't worry about anyone else!

  19. I see no problem taking kids to a distillery! In fact, this awesome place just opened up near me. It's a self-serve craft beer place where families and kids are welcome! There are even board games. I plan to take my kids everywhere with me and I love that you are doing that with E because it shows me that it's possible! She is such a lucky little girl to have such great parents.

  20. Man! If they had only seen Riley and E doing keg stands the other night!! LOL

    Keep doing you - you guys are great parents!

    1. Hahaha right?! Those kids are crazy! :) Thanks friend! <3


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