Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Oh Arizona!

Growing up in Vegas I thought I had seen every eccentric outfit, person, home and vehicle. I was proved wrong today! As I was driving home from the mall I saw this beauty:

Haha really!?

This vehicle advertises a small hippy town about 25 minutes away called Bisbee. Seeing this got my attention and we are going there this weekend!!

Great job crazy van, you will have one more tourist checking out your town.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. It certainly has character! LOL

  2. Bisbee is a cool little town. My husband and I checked it out when I was visiting him during his AIT last Thanksgiving and enjoyed it. Lot's of different shops and places to eat. The only downside to it is parking can be a little cramped because the town is nestled down in the middle of mountains, but the location makes for a good view!

  3. Please, pretty, pretty, please take pictures of that town! If that is the advertisement van then the town must be super eccentric. Can't wait to see that post! :-)


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