Monday, August 6, 2012

Food Blog?!

As I'm sure some of you have noticed I absolutely LOVE cooking and baking. I have an album on FB that I am slowly building with some of my most favorite meals and goodies to make. I am toying with the idea of creating a food blog. I want to post photos and the recipes to share with everyone. Some of these recipes are ones created by my Mom and I would love for others to enjoy them. 

What do you guys think??

Here are a few things that I have made in the last couple days:

Whipped Cream Chocolate Pudding cake (recipe created by my Mom)

Homemade Chicken Finger and Homemade French Fries

Homemade Pound Cake

Hopefully I can get this blog going and start posting recipes and helpful tips. 

Hope you all are having a great day!!


  1. Can you email me or post the whipped cream cake and pound cake recipes? They look delicious!

  2. Yes! I think that's a fantastic idea!

  3. glad you decided to start the blog! i have a food blog, but i don't have any original recipes. can't wait to try yours!


Love hearing from you!! :)