Happy Thursday everyone!
Here are some of my random thoughts as of late haha.
1. It is so nice moving back to a place that we know! One of the hardest things about moving with the military is going to a place that you have never been before. We spent 4 years here and coming back has been so easy. It really feels like home. Not having to rely on a GPS to get everywhere has been amazing!
2. This mug is pretty much amazing. I'm not joking, I giggle every single time I use it. Not because I'm a regular follower of the royal family but because a group of British soldiers that Kyle worked with decided to give the entire small group them as a gift. They clearly understand the fascination that American's have with their monarchy.
3. Our neighbors are ridiculously nice. We have met a lot of them and they have been so welcoming. While most are military, there are a few older retired couples who have lived here for quite a while. We spent a good portion of the evening talking to one that lives down the street, E was obsessed with her dog so that helped haha.
4. It takes a lot to make me angry, however yesterday it happened. We dropped my car off at 11:15 to have the 45,000 service done. I had an 11:30 appointment. They told Kyle that it would be finished in 2-2 1/2 hours. Great! 2:30 rolls around and I decided to call to get a status. Guess what!? They had just taken it back for the service. Excuse me?! The advisor said that just because we had an appointment didn't mean it would go back right away. Ummm then why let people make appointments? I got every excuse under the sun, to include, 4 technicians being out sick. Not my problem, home skillet! If they had told us that it wasn't going to go back immediately that would have been fine, just be honest. Finally at 4pm we picked it up and got 50% off our bill.
4. I am 101 days away from the Chicago Marathon! Holy Cow! It's hard to believe that it's so close. I decided that since I will already be there that I'm going to run the 5k the day before. It will be a good shakeout run to get the blood flowing. I am really hoping for good weather but I will just go with the flow and see what happens. I'm looking forward to meeting the rest of the Home for our Troops team and having a great weekend.
5. Why are donuts/pastries so addicting?! Haha! A friend of mine took me to a bakery here when I visited back in March and it has officially become our go to place. I can't believe we didn't know about it when we lived here the last time. They have the best donuts and glazed croissants. It's a family owned place which is even better and has been here since 1956! I've heard amazing things about their cakes as well. Good thing we work out as much as we do haha!
Hope y'all have a great weekend! We have a 5k on Saturday morning so that should be a lot of fun!

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