Monday, February 12, 2018

What Do You Do For You?

I think as adults we all get lost in the day to day cycle of life. We all have responsibilities that take so much of our time that we forget to take time for ourselves. We focus on work, school, kids, volunteering, and whatever else comes our way. Of course, this is not a bad thing, but it can run us ragged. It can wear us down to the point where we are dragging and where we just can't focus on much anymore. 
It is absolutely critical to find something to help let go of that stress, anxiety, anxiety, or exhaustion. To let go off all the things you are dealing with day to day and just decompress. Being able to focus on something that takes that all away is important for mind, body, and soul. 

While I have loved running for the last few years and it has been something that I enjoy doing, I have come to realize over the last 6 months that it's something that I need. Kyle has come to realize this as well. Being able to lace up my shoes and go out the door and just lose myself, it's one of the most freeing feelings. I notice that when I don't get a run in that I don't feel great, I feel the stress of whatever is going on and it wears me down. Kyle is amazing because he knows it's what I need and he pushes me to go. He has never once said no, he has always encouraged this passion of mine. 

 I have discovered as of late that night runs are magical. I can go after E is in bed and knock out a good run. 
Or I can enjoy the sunshine while pushing E and soak it up.
Or we can run as a family and be together.
Or I can run with friends and know that at any given time there is a supportive group of women who are up for a run.
Or I can run a race and push myself to be the best I can be in that moment.
There are so many ways to decompress and it is important to find the thing that does that for you. It could be something as simple as taking a bath every night or going for a walk. It could be painting or writing. Heck, it could be hiding in your closet for 15 minutes to eat that pieces of chocolate you've been wanting. It doesn't have to be something that costs money, it just has to be something that helps ease the stress or exhaustion that you are feeling. 

We all need to feel like we are the best versions of ourselves!

Do something for yourself today! 


  1. I think people often confuse buying things with personal overall happiness

  2. I do yoga. I practice alone, with my kids, at the studio, at home. And I write.

    1. I know so many people that love yoga! My workout group offers yoga twice a week and I really need to go one time.

  3. Aw I love this! Yes, we need to practice self care like this, you can't care for others if you don't care for yourself. Mine is yoga and pure barre and I love the time I can focus on that and nothing else.

  4. Yes! This is so hard to balance with the rest of life sometimes. I am still trying to figure out what my thing is. More or less I just enjoy sitting alone in the quiet when everyone else has gone to bed. Recharges my batteries just enough.

  5. YES TO ALL OF THIS! When I don't get a workout in, I'm not myself and I'm irritable. It's not something I like, it's totally something I need.

  6. This is so true! We all need some sort of outlet for all of the stress and anxiety in our lives! I think that mine is blogging and now I’m just trying to find a way to fit it back into my life!

  7. I sat down and warmed myself up under a fleece blanket after work and dinner. Cozy hoodie. I like to blog and share my photography too! Good thoughts Jen!

    1. That sounds amazing!!! :) Being able to just relax is the best.

  8. I love this! I love that you have something that you love, that you do for you, but that you can also enjoy with other people. The #1 thing that I do for myself is my blog, I think. It just means so much to me to be able to write out my thoughts and I love the community of people I've met, like you! I also love reading, it feels so indulgent and it's something I can do at the beach or on the couch or in the tub -- all relaxing places!

  9. Amen amen amen. It's UNBELIEVABLE what going to 9Round the last two months has done for my mental health. We were talking about budget stuff yesterday, and my gym membership is something we both know is absolutely crucial because of how good it's been for me. I love your line where you talked about how you need an outlet to work out stress. Couldn't agree more! It's been thrilling to watch your journey with running and to see your upping your miles in anticipation for your marathon. So incredibly proud of you!

  10. I love the amazing community you've built around yourself through running - and what a great activity it's been for your family, too. I can definitely see little E doing some running soon ;) I'm starting to work with Girls on the Run, and when she gets a little older, if you have it around, you should definitely consider it!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  11. I love this. I put the kids in hourly care a few times a week so I can have alone time and get in a good workout. It makes everyone's mood improve. :p

  12. I love this! The one thing I started doing more of this year to relieve stress has been quilting. I can feel the stress leaving me when I'm sitting at my sewing machine. And this month I started working out again, I can't believe how much I've missed it!

  13. You definitely need something for you to calm you down and center you!

  14. I definitely need to work out in order to feel more sane. I feel off balance if I don't get that work out in! That's so great that you're able to run so much!!

  15. for the past few weeks hubby and I have been playing vintage video games to relax evening. Its so much fun and bring some much needed stress relief for the two of us.


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