I feel like we have been celebrating Halloween all week in our house! It has been so much fun!
E was able to dress up twice at school because not all of the kiddos are there everyday. Tuesday and Wednesday were so fun for her.
First up was Super Girl!!
Then on Wednesday it was Bumble Bee time!
She came home with lots of treats and fun crafts that she made. Since she wasn't able to be at SLAM for trick or treating, I brought a bag of treats home for her.
I absolutely love dressing up for Halloween, so any chance I get I will! We had a Halloween themed SLAM class yesterday and I wore this gem.
Yes, I was a cactus. Let me just say, working out in this was a challenge haha. It was so fun though. If you happen to see a photo of a cactus running down a road near Fort Bragg, that was me haha.
Kyle was released from work early to get ready for festivities. It was nice since he will be leaving soon.
I am all about planning family costumes. E's 1st Halloween we were all Ninja Turtles, and then last year she was a frappuccino and we were baristas. This year I went with a Disney theme.
Our sweet Alice in Wonderland.
Kyle and I were happy to tag along as the Cheshire Cat and White Rabbit.
We had the absolute best time trick or treating in our neighborhood. E mastered saying trick or treat, she followed it up every time with "Happy Halloween"! Trick or treating was from 6-8pm but we only lasted until 7 and then it was time to head home.
Once we got home we sat outside and passed out candy. We ran out at about 7:45 and headed in for the night.
It is safe to say that Halloween was a huge success in our house. She got lots of treats and enjoyed running around our neighborhood with so many other kiddos. I'm already working on costumes for next year haha. I can't wait!
I hope y'all had a very Happy Halloween!

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