Friday, October 14, 2016

Me Time

There is nothing quite like your doctor telling you that you are cleared to run again! I had my 6 week postpartum appointment yesterday and I'm not going to lie I was super nervous that he was going to tell me to wait and that I wasn't quite healed. Despite my fears he gave me the thumbs up!

After my appointment, I came home, put E in the stroller, laced up my shoes and off we went on a quick 2 mile run. It felt amazing! Running has always been my time to just zone out and clear my mind. My training for the Rock n Roll New Orleans Marathon begins on Monday and I am so excited to tackle my second marathon. We also have 8 races coming up in the next few months, a few 5k's, 10k, and 2 half marathons.

I've had a lot of people ask me why I was so eager to get back to running. I'll be honest and say that it's the one thing that is truly mine. I absolutely love being a wife and mom but I need time to myself, I need that time to regroup and refocus, running is that time for me. I am reminded when I run that I am so much stronger than I ever thought I could be.

It's empowering!

I need to feel good emotionally, mentally, and physically if I am going to be of any use. I firmly believe that everyone needs something that is "theirs", something that helps them decompress and regroup.

Do you make time for yourself? What do you do for "me" time?

I hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. That is fantastic! It feels so good to that ok to go back to being you! I work out everyday and write my blog. I also keep a journal of things I don't put in my blog. Somethings need to be private. But as you can probably tell, I have no problem sharing!

  2. YAY! So glad you were cleared! and I agree, sometimes you need something just for yourself :)

  3. I think that's great! Running will help too when E is a tween and rolling her eyes at you! can say "yup I'm going for a run now."

  4. Most of the time if I have "me" time - it's my regular bathroom time. ;) I just feel like life is too crazy right now for a whole lot of alone time. One of these days...

  5. So glad to hear you've been cleared to get back to something you love!

  6. Rockstar!!!! And I've been away from the blog for so long, congrats on the sweet girl! So happy for yoU!

  7. Yay!! SO glad you were cleared to run!!

  8. Oh my gosh! I kinda love that you got home and laced up! You are so amazing for keeping up with running!

  9. It's hard to say when I ever have true "me" time. I was sick yesterday one of the few days where I can binge watch Netflix and not feel bad about it.

    1. You should never feel bad about having me time.

  10. That's awesome! I love "me" time. I love to read.

    1. :) That's awesome! It really is nice to have something for yourself.

  11. I can understand you wanting time to yourself. I am not a mother myself, but I hate society's general idea that parents should completely lose their individuality. Most of the things that I admire about my parents have nothing to do with parenting. Also, my husband cannot be in love with me if there is no "me".

  12. That's great that you're back to running!

  13. Yay! I know you were looking forward to this.

  14. Congrats on getting the all clear! That's great news. I love how you got home and went straight out, that's dedication to the cause! Whilst I'm not a runner I do appreciate having my own space to do my own thing, and I think what you say about maintaining your identity and space to decompress as a parent is really key. Lots of people miss out on that and I do think it shows.

  15. I hear you, friend!! I'm not running regularly, but going to the gym is me-time and helps me destress from the day, etc...! YaY! I'm glad you're able to start running again!!

  16. I agree, my workout time is "me time." Yay for getting back in the swing!

  17. I am glad you have been cleared to run! As much as I hate marathon training, I look forward to the long runs on the weekend to regain my sanity. Nobody is bugging me, nobody is screaming at me, and nobody is arguing with me. It is my own time, and I love it.

  18. working out, crafting or reading are my standard go-to me time. It all just depends on how much time I actually have to spend! lately I am favoring working out, running mainly.


Love hearing from you!! :)