Wednesday, July 20, 2016

On Post v. Off Post Living

When it comes to being married to military one of the topics that is bound to come up is whether or not to live on post or off. You will hear some say that they prefer to live off so that they can get away from the military and feel as though they can disconnect at the end of the day.

When living on a military installation, they will take your full BAH (basic allowance for housing). Now that may seem crazy but it covers rent, utilities, lawn care, maintenance (which is 24 hours in case of emergency), and trash services.

When we first got married Kyle was already living in an apartment off post at Bragg and we decided quickly to apply for housing. Within a few months we signed for our first house and we loved it. It was an older 3 bedroom/2bathroom, we lived in this house for about 22 months until housing offered to move us to a new house.


We received this house next and it was amazing!! 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bathrooms, 2 living rooms, and a 1 car garage. Since it was a move mandated by housing, the Army moved us. I definitely wasn't hating that haha. We lived in this house until we PCS'd in 2012.


This was our home in on post at Fort Huachuca for 7 months. It was OLD haha, but it had it's own charms. No carpet and a swamp cooler. I mean it we couldn't live in it for 7 months then that is just sad. This house is now demolished as is the rest of the houses and that makes me a little sad. We really enjoyed it.


When we moved to Fort Bliss we decided to do something we had never done before and that was buy a house. It was terrifying and amazing all at the same time. We purchased a new construction and it was our dream home. All tile downstairs, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, ornate wrought iron railings, 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bathrooms and a ginormous backyard that we had landscaped with artificial grass. It was perfect.

Now here is the downside, we were given orders 22 months after buying this home and we panicked. We had no idea we would be moving so quickly and we opted to sell instead of renting it out. The thought of renting it out gave me anxiety especially since I would be the one dealing with it. We were lucky and sold it 30 days before we were to leave Texas, we were not so lucky because we had to live in a hotel for those 30 days, and shell out a ton of money to sell it.


We knew immediately when we got orders to our current home that we would be living on post again. We received a home the day we arrived and feel at ease gain.

We have decided that as long as we can we will continue to live on post. The thought of renting off or buying stresses me out. Being able to have relatively door to door moves is appealing. We have never once felt that Kyle can't leave work at work. We have never had neighbors that talk about work on the weekends, and to be honest if our AC breaks in the middle of the night I like that I can call maintenance to fix it and I don't have to pay for it.

Living on post isn't for everyone and that's okay but it has worked for us and I definitely wouldn't change it.