On Saturday, I celebrated my 31st birthday! I am really trying to wrap my brain around that because I certainly do not feel 31. I do have to say though that my 30's have been amazing so far and I am so grateful for all that has happened during this time.
I was certainly spoiled by my family this year as they all got me really thoughtful gifts. My sister, niece, and nephew gave me this beautiful photo frame carousel and amazing bracelet. I'm not normally a big jewelry wearer but I do wear this almost every day. :)
My Dad gave me this amazing wood Dachshund! Seriously, how cute is it?! I put it in my backyard and filled it with flowers.
I was certainly spoiled by my family this year as they all got me really thoughtful gifts. My sister, niece, and nephew gave me this beautiful photo frame carousel and amazing bracelet. I'm not normally a big jewelry wearer but I do wear this almost every day. :)
My Dad gave me this amazing wood Dachshund! Seriously, how cute is it?! I put it in my backyard and filled it with flowers.
Since Kyle was working on my actual birthday, he was able to rearrange his schedule Friday night so we could at least go out to dinner. We went to our favorite Mexican restaurant and enjoyed a low key night together. He knows how much I love the cakes from the commissary so he surprised me with one and a beautiful necklace with Emersyn's name.
Excuse the tired face haha it was passed my bedtime. ;)
Saturday (my actual birthday), was spent cleaning and decluttering. I am in official nesting mode but it feels good to get stuff done and things thrown out that we don't need.
My sweet neighbors also surprised me with yummy birthday brownies! It definitely made me smile.
Sunday was reserved for laundry and finishing up some school work.
Overall, it was a great weekend. I am so looking forward to all that 31 has to offer, I know that it is going to be the best year yet!
Hope you all had a great weekend.