Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Where Do We Go Next?!

A few weeks ago Kyle had to submit his preference list for school locations once he is selected for promotion to Major (which should hopefully happen at the end of the year, fingers crossed). It is typical that after selected you go to an advanced school at Leavenworth. But there are circumstances where officers are selected to attend a similar course in a different location. 

This is how our list looks:

1. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas (Resident ILE)

2. Naval Command and Staff Course: Newport, RI.

3. Ireland Command and Staff Course

4. Australian Command and Staff Course

5. Singapore Command and Staff Course

Leavenworth is our first choice but I have been doing my research on all of these areas to prepare myself just in case. The school is only for a year and I keep thinking how cool it would be to experience another country for that time. 

Like I said we should find out about promotion in December and not long after that we will find out where our new home will be starting in July 2017. 

The adventure never gets old!