Friday, June 17, 2016

A Pregnancy Update

I haven't done a proper pregnancy update in a while so I figured why not!

Yesterday, we hit the 30 week mark! Holy cow, how are we only roughly 10 weeks away from meeting our little girl already?!

I am still feeling pretty good even though I get tired rather quickly. I am still walking/jogging a few days a week and that has been amazing. However, it is ridiculously hot and humid here so I have to limit it to 15-20 minutes. My sleep has been great too, I'm getting anywhere from 8-10 hours every night with one potty break during the night.

Emmy has been moving around like crazy, I feel like she is rehearsing for a Cirque de Soleil show in there. It is pretty cool and a little creepy watching my stomach move.

Kyle and I took the labor and delivery class at the hospital on Wednesday and I'm really glad we did. Obviously, I know the basics of what happens during labor but it was nice to know all the things the hospital does and doesn't do including their admittance procedure (which apparently a patient isn't admitted here until you are 6cm dilated). Next week we have the newborn care class and I know that is the one Kyle is looking forward to the most.

We are anxious to see how much she has changed, we haven't had an ultrasound since 18 weeks so we are doing an elective one next week at 31 weeks.

We are having our maternity photos taken tomorrow and I really really hope the weather cooperates! The forecast is calling for rain but I'm hoping that it's lying just like it does every other day haha.

For the most part everything is going really well! I couldn't have asked for a better pregnancy. We are so grateful!

I hope you all have a great weekend!