Thursday, June 30, 2016

Life Lately

I feel like the days are running together lately, which is both a good and bad thing. Last Friday, Kyle's parents arrived for a visit, they are usually able to come once a year and we enjoy having them here. 

We went to Natchitoches and Lake Charles while they were here, we didn't really do much but it seemed like we did. It was nice having them here.

 This is what my nights have been looking like lately. I have 2 midterms that are due on Sunday and the last few nights I have been doing my best to get them done before we head off to Florida for the 4th of July. Let me tell you trying to knock out midterms that consist of all short answer essay questions is painful haha.

Speaking of school, I was able to register for all of my remaining classes and as of right now I will graduate with my Masters in Psychology in February! I am very excited about that, I will graduate a few months after Kyle but it will be so nice to have this degree under my belt.

Kyle has been on block leave for a week and a half already but he has been updating and getting his profile ready for the promotion board that is opening in a few weeks. The board will convene until August and then it takes time to scrub the list to ensure it is good. We should find out later this year but if all goes well he will finally get to wear this. He is so ready!

Emma and Fishy are doing well! Fishy is his standard silly and angry self haha while Emma is just happy when we leave her be and let her sleep. They have loved having both me and Kyle home during the day, they seem to get restless when one of us isn't around.

All is well on the pregnancy front, baby girl is still growing and we are getting more and more anxious for her arrival! :) 

I hope you all have a great day!