Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Blues

Well the day I have dreaded since my Mom passed is here. I knew it would be hard but I had no idea it would be this hard. I am having feelings of anger, jealousy and bitterness. I want her here and I need her here. Seeing the commercials for today has been nothing short of torture. As much as I try I can't seem to block it out.  While I am thankful that my Mom is no longer in pain, I am sad that she can't be here to celebrate this day. She was most amazing Mom! She wasn't overly affectionate but there was never a question of her love for us. She always listened and gave advice (even if you didn't want to hear it) and was always willing to help. I miss her more and more each day, I'm not sure if the pain will ever go away. 

I love you, Mom! Happy Mother's Day, my beautiful guardian Angel.


  1. Thoughts and prayers for you today. I can't even imagine how hard this is for you.

  2. I thought about you a lot yesterday & I can't imagine your pain! Just keep taking it one day at a time. You will ALWAYS miss her!!! *Hugs*

  3. The loss of a parent is so hard.. when it's hard and hurts the most, remember how blessed you were to have her in your life and all the good times. And cry when you need to, it helps.


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