Monday, March 4, 2019

Weekend Wrap-Up!

Happy March everyone!!!

I feel like I have been really MIA from my blog lately and for that I apologize. I came down with an unexpected sickness that really had me feeling terrible. I woke up on Thursday morning with body aches and just overall feeling gross. I dropped E off at school and headed to the dealership for my appointment. I spent the entire time folded over in my chair trying to stretch my back out. I honestly thought I was just sore from working out. I went to bed that night with a 102 fever and hoped that it would be gone by morning. Nope!

Friday was no better! Thankfully, E doesn't go to school on Fridays so we took advantage and made it a lazy day. She is a pretty independent kid so that helps tremendously. She was content with her iPad, food, and just being in her pajamas. She made life so much easier. 
By the time I went to bed I was feeling much better and was up bright and eyed and bushy tailed for our race on Saturday morning (granted this was too good to be true haha).

We headed up to Durham and ran a 10k up there. It was a beautiful course and there were almost 1000 between the 5k and 10k. Much bigger than we thought it would be.
Despite her face, E was in a good mood haha! She was singing all morning and having a great time. 

Despite not feeling 100%, I was pretty proud of my pace.
We stopped for our traditional Starbucks and made our way home. We ran a few errands later in the day and I pick up a few dresses from Target, this is my favorite.
I think it will make the perfect Easter dress.

Later in the day I started to not feel so great again. I went to bed at 9pm and woke up Sunday morning feeling worse. My throat was extremely sore and I just felt yuck. Off to urgent care I went. I have tonsillitis! Boo! Haha! I'm on antibiotics for 10 days and hopefully I will be back to normal. Definitely not the right time to be sick but what can ya do. Hopefully this isn't how all of March is going to be haha.

Overall, it wasn't a terrible weekend but definitely not how I wanted it to be. Thankfully, Kyle and E are easygoing. 

Hope you all had a great weekend!

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