Friday, March 15, 2019

Some Honest Thoughts

Happy Friday, everyone!!! 

It's been a while since I've shared my honest thoughts and I figured it was time to do so. What a better way to end the week than with some honesty. 

*The "blackout" from Facebook and IG on Wednesday was actually pretty awesome. It made me realize just how dependent we all can be on social media and it was nice not having that distraction. It's amazing how much time as a society we spend on those platforms. I'm going to do my best to not let those rule my days. 
*I am tired of kids putting their hands on mine! I about lost my shit yesterday at E's dance class. The parents are not allowed in the classroom, which is fine by me. However, we get to watch through the window. There is always one girl in class that acts like a complete nutcase, her own mother calls her the crypt keeper. I watched as this kid was relentlessly poking E in the arm. I could see E telling her to stop but she wouldn't. Her Mom leaned over to me and said "oh how cute, the girls are playing" to which I responded, "No, they aren't playing. Your daughter doesn't know how to keep her hands to herself". Thankfully, one of the class helpers moved the little girl away from E. So to all the parents out there, teach your kids to keep their hands to themselves, it's not cute when they are bothering and touching other kids for no reason. 
*We have been back from Disneyworld for a few weeks now and I have finally gathered my final thoughts about it. I'm not a fan. Now, I am a Disney fanatic. I grew up going to Disneyland and that is where my allegiance lies. It's the original and just magical. I felt beyond overwhelmed at Disneyworld. It felt like we spent more time on buses getting to the different parks than we actually did in the parks. I like being able to walk back and forth in between parks. We decided that if we ever go back to the Orlando area it will be to go to Universal Studios again. 
*Daylight Savings! Why!? I honestly have NO idea why we need it anymore. All it does is mess up everyone's sleep patterns and makes people unnecessarily cranky. If we could just leave it where it stays light out longer that would be fabulous. I mean we already have states that don't follow it, here's looking at you Arizona and Hawaii! Y'all have it right!
Maybe eventually DST will cease to exist haha!

I'll try to do these posts monthly because they are pretty cathartic. 

Have a great weekend!!!