Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Quick Update

Since we are on the downward slope here in El Paso, I figured I would give a quick update.

*We booked our hotel room for when we get to Polk. We will have a week in a hotel until we sign for our house. 1 week will seem like a cake walk compared to 33 days.

*I gave up my role as BN Senior Advisor yesterday, to be honest I feel like a huge weight has been listed.

*I am over the medical facilities here at Bliss. I have been trying to get an appointment for 2 weeks and they do not have anything until November. Yup not going to work.

*I am back in school mode. I am in week 2 of these classes and am so ready to be done. August 2015 can't come soon enough.

*I have been making lists of places we want to visit in our new area. One thing I can't wait for is camping, Kyle finally agreed to go and I'm really excited.

*We also have made the decision to run another marathon next year! Once 2015 dates are released we will decide between these two:

We are really excited and get wait to get our training started!

Not much else is going on around here, which I guess is a good thing.

Happy Wednesday everyone!


  1. I really need to start running again!

  2. Exciting! Camping is so much fun.

  3. I've heard really good things about the rock n roll marathons. I wanna do one of those.

  4. That rock and roll marathon looks like so much fun!! Ugh I've been out of the loop blogging for so long, but I LOVE the new name and new look!!!

  5. I can't believe it is almost time to move for you! I can't wait to hear what Ft. Polk is like.

    Both marathons look like great choices.

  6. I don't know anything about the Pensacola race, but I've heard SA R&R is tough. A bunch of my SA online running buddies actually prefer the Houston Marathon. The timing for that one won't work out for you this go around (the Houston race is in January), but maybe something to think about for the long run.

  7. San Antonio sounds like a lot of fun!

  8. First off, love the new look.. Second.. you guys are so busy.. it is crazy!

  9. I love that Kyle is the one that had to agree to go camping. Chris tried all summer to get me to go, but no luck. haha! When he bought the minivan on Monday he got the tent that attaches to the back, in hopes that next summer I will camp that way. LOL!!! Poor guy ;)

  10. When hubby and I moved to Ft. Riley, we spent about a month in a hotel, and yes, it is nerve-wrecking, especially if you're new, don't have a car and don't know anyone. I hope the time flies for you and you get to move into your new house soon! Hugs to you, my dear friend!

    1. Thanks Stephanie! I'm glad we don't have to be in a hotel too long when we get to Polk.

  11. we are hoping to do more camping now that the weather has broke. There are some good areas between here and Texas that I have heard about but have never been to myself. That is awesome that you have a quick turn around time once you are here! Nothing like living in a hotel with pets. So not fun. Both of those races sound like they would be good to do.

    1. I am really happy that we have such a quick turn around time when we get there. Hopefully it doesn't take long to get our stuff from storage.

  12. So yeah, when we moved here I needed to get Baby G in for her 4 month and me in as a new patient ASAP because I was almost out of my prescription. Not only could they see me in time, we have the same PCM (SMALL post) so we got seen at the same time. Except for her shots :( it was the easiest Dr appt I've had in years.

  13. GAH! Only a week in a hotel? That's nice!! And yeah we have the same issue here at Hood with getting an appointment. It's uber lame! lol


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