Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sweet Surprise....

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Valentine's Day so far...I can honestly say that mine has turned out to be better than I expected. With my hubby being in Haiti, I wasn't expecting anything and was ok with that, as long as I was able to hear from him that would be the best. Of course, he surprised me (even from Haiti he still knows how to make me feel special). I was still sleeping when someone starting banging on my front door, I was confused and angry at the same time haha, but when I opened the door there was a pro flowers box containing these:

I was sooo surprised! I have the most amazing husband! He called me a few hours later and tried to play it off like he hadn't already had it planned before he left.

Speaking of the hubby, he is doing well in Haiti, they finished up their food drops yesterday, so now there won't be much to do. They all have done such great things while being there and I am so proud! Hopefully they will start coming home soon, but only time will tell.

I hope everyone is enjoying their day!

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. I got the same exact flowers today, vase and all!

  2. That's too funny!! :) Must have been a popular selection!


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