Friday, November 4, 2016

Life Lately

How is it already November?! This is crazy to me. I haven't done a proper update in a while so here we go.

* Kyle and I both are finishing up week 5 of our classes and I feel like it has flown by. It's hard to believe that he will be done with school at the end of November and I will be done in March. I have thoroughly enjoyed my current classes, especially my ethics and standards class.

*We have been hearing rumblings that Major promotion list is going to come out some time before the end of November. Let me tell you how excited that makes me, we are so ready to see Kyle's name on that list and find out for certain where the Army is taking us. 

*I started marathon training this week, I am using an accelerated 12 week program and so far it has been great! The races that we are running in the coming weeks actually fit in pretty well with training. I feel good which is the best part, my endurance is coming back, so everything is falling into place. I am able to run without E some days thanks to Kyle's schedule but running with her is fun. :)

*We are heading to my sister's house next weekend and I can't wait. I'm looking forward to enjoying the long weekend with my family, Kyle, and Emmy.

* Our budget is coming along nicely! The way I have it planned right now would enable us to pay off our credit card in March (with help from our tax return) and pay off my car loan the beginning of 2018 (which would be 2 1/2 years early). I am happy that I have been so strict with this because it is setting us up for success.

*Christmas shopping has commenced! I am really hoping to have it done by Thanksgiving but we shall see. 

Not much else is happening in our neck of the woods just taking everyday as it comes. We are running a 10k tomorrow and that is pretty much the extent of our weekend plans, well maybe some school work too.


  1. Having a financial plan is so nice and less stressful!
    I have the same Christmas shopping plan! I like to be done before the December rush!
    Happy Friday!

  2. Just *thinking* about Christmas shopping is stressing me out. I'm glad we're going home this year and I won't have to mail things!

  3. I am overwhelmed thinking about Christmas shopping and all there is to buy! (definitely ruins our budget for the month!) I will be praying for his name to be on the majors list! Having a close friend who's husband was in the army, I know how much that means! Fingers crossed!!!

  4. That's so exciting about your credit card and car! Paying off debt is always great!!

  5. Tell me your budget planning secrets! We've got so many things we want to do that it's hard to figure out which should come first.

  6. I've been fortunate enough not to get into credit card debt. I've paid them not a penny in interest. I have a few I use that give me rewards but they always are cleared off by the next due date. I also have two that have no interest until next year. Came in handy with things for the house and when my car needed fixing

    1. That's awesome! We only have one card and we are definitely grateful that we only have the one.

  7. I should have you set up my budget, and make us stick to it! :) I have so much credit card debt from stupid mistakes when I was younger.

  8. I can't wait to hear where you move next!!

  9. All good things! Normal marathon training sounds hard enough. I can't imagine what it means to accelerate it :)

  10. Reading your life update made me happy because you have so many good things happening! I really enjoy Christmas shopping and I've started slowly buying things. I like to do it slowly and make it fun!

  11. We didn't walk today as it's raining. We haven't had a car payment in a couple years. Planning on credit cards paid off vy time we retire. Megan and I are going to Blazer game on veterans' day. Can't wait. Great seats but little cost. Sweet!! Christmas gifts are 1/4 done. Enjoy your time away.

  12. Eeek good luck to Kyle for the promotion! I really hope he gets it. It must be such a weight off to know what's next. I love what you say about budgeting setting you up for success - I tend to think of it as boring but I'm going to start thinking of if your way from now on :)

  13. Time really is flying by! Good luck to your husband. I hope he gets the promotion and I hope you go someplace fabulous.

  14. We are so over waiting on this major list. The Army needs to get with the program!

  15. fingers crossed that Kyle gets his promotion!! or I'll go and kick some army a$$ ;) i'm definitely budgeting hardcore at the moment, need to tighten my belt. no fun!!

  16. Good luck with the promotion!

    I have started buying Christmas gifts as well.

  17. That's such a great goal to have all of your Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving! I'm hoping that I'll get a good chunk knocked out on Black Friday! And fingers crossed for Kyle making Major this year!

  18. Good luck Kyle! I have most of our Christmas shopping done too. I wanted to have most if not all of it done before I had #babybigtruck2.

  19. I am with you with getting Christmas shopping done early is always my goal! You are such an inspiration with your running. I need to get out running asap.


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