Thursday, February 11, 2016

Week 12

Well, we have finally made it to 12 weeks! For us this is huge and something we have never experienced.

Baby is continuing to make his/her appearance and it's amazing to see my belly grow each week. I think I have finally peaked when it comes to morning sickness, I feel good most days but right now I am battling a cold which is not fun at all.

Yesterday we had our 12 week appointment and it was just supposed to be a simple appointment and going over medical history plus listening to the heartbeat. My doctor is amazing and decided instead of using the doppler which can sometimes be difficult to hear the heartbeat with he opted to just do an ultrasound.

We were over the moon when this little sweetie showed up on the screen! We saw his/her feet moving and we even got a wave! It was incredible, Kyle and I were speechless the whole time. The heart rate was a healthy 150 and it was glorious!

After this appointment I scheduled our early elective gender ultrasound and in 3 weeks we will find out what Baby Smith is! We can't wait. 

What a journey this has already been and we know it is going to continue to get better! 

Happy Thursday!


  1. How exciting! I can't wait to find out what y'all are having!

  2. Yay 12 weeks strong. You are looking great, lady!

  3. oh my gosh this gives me all the feels!!! Your baby bump is so freaking cute.

  4. Wow that's great news, and so exciting to see your little baby at last. I'm so glad things are going well. Good luck for the gender ultrasound!

  5. Love reading your bumpdates! So exciting you will know the gender so soon! Eeek can't wait to hear!

  6. Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or a girl...I'm feeling boy!

  7. I got goosebumps reading this! I am so excited for you guys, there is just nothing like hearing that little heartbeat!

  8. Oh my goodness, I am soooo excited for y'all!! What an amazing journey you're on. Soooo excited to hear if you're having a little boy or girl.

  9. Yay! He/She is looking great!

  10. I'm so excited for you and Kyle!!! I drug Andy through the baby aisle at Target and I was like "I can't wait to spoil Baby Smith!!!"

  11. Your bump is so cute!!!! I'm so excited for you guys! Can't wait to hear what you're having! If you are taking guesses....... Put me down for boy :)

  12. Amazing!! So thrilled you've made it to 12 weeks and the morning sickness is subsiding! :D

  13. Sweet! The baby waved...or was it a salute? LOL! Glad baby is doing well and praying you have less sickness and more energy! Looking good! :'}

  14. So many heart eye emojis! ;) Over 140bpm they say is typically a girl. Kyle may soon be outnumbered even more, lol.

  15. Hurrah for sweet baby waves!! :) Happy Valentine's Day to ya's (all three of you!). :)

  16. Ahhhh! So happy things are continuing to go well and that baby has a strong heartbeat!

  17. Omg!! I feel so stupid! I've been so out of the blogosphere because of school!!!!! I didn't even know....I mean!!! Wow!!!!!! You're pregnant!!!!!!!!! Here's a late congrats from me and how adorable is that belly?!?!!!!

  18. Amazing news! I'm so excited for baby S!

  19. So great!! I'm jealous you got to see baby moving... every single ultrasound we had (and that was a lot) Annabelle was sleeping! haha

  20. How exciting! I'm so, so happy for y'all. Can't wait to find out if baby is a boy or a girl! Do you have any names picked out???

    Love & Aloha

  21. I love ultrasounds!! It's so precious seeing the baby.

  22. How exciting! I can't wait to read if it's a boy or girl.

  23. So exciting! Ultrasounds are so much fun.

  24. I'm behind on blogging, but eek! So exciting!

  25. You look so awesome!! I remember the panic when the midwife had issues finding Calvin's heartbeat, and even though she eventually found it after several minutes, I was indeed glad that I also had an u/s a few minutes later. Those pictures are extremely precious. Enjoy!!


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