Thursday, January 17, 2019

My Thoughts in Memes

I have really been riding the blog post struggle bus lately haha. I've had every intention to blog but I just can't seem to find the motivation. I'm sure I will find it again and get back to a regular posting schedule. 

I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite memes and how they are relating to life lately.

~ I have been dealing with some annoying sickness lately. Monday morning I woke up feeling absolutely terrible. Pretty sure I have almost coughed up a lung and successfully kept Kyle up for the past 2 nights. I know that the back and forth between temperatures hasn't helped. I'm not sure if anyone got me sick but this meme made me laugh. I'm just hoping it doesn't take down Kyle or E.
~Speaking of the back and forth weather, it's insane in the south! We go from 70 degree beautiful days to below freezing in the blink of an eye. Now before everyone who is dealing with snow and freezing temperatures get all up in arms, I get it, but we live in the South. My blood is still thin haha. I can deal with below freezing dry temperatures (hey Kansas!) but below freezing humid temperatures suck! 
~So I made the mistake of trying to finally watch a full episode of The Bachelor. Yup, I shouldn't have done that. I just don't understand this show. I get that it's some people's guilty pleasure and that's great but just no for me. I told Kyle that I tried to watch it and his response to me was "why would you do such a thing?!" Haha! I wish I could get those minutes of my life back.
~Today is my rest day! I have no idea what to do with myself haha. E is in school until 12:30 so I have 3.5 hours to do whatever I want. I honestly will probably end up studying in the quiet at home or end up roaming Target haha.
~I have been struggling with being social lately. At the end of the day I just want to sit at home and relax. The idea of putting on actual pants to hang out with people outside of the house does not appeal to me. I know that's terrible to say but it's true. My cousin posted this meme tonight and it spoke to me on so many levels haha.
Well, that's all the thoughts I have for right now! 

I hope you guys have a great Thursday.

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