Friday, January 6, 2017

Goals for 2017

Every year I make it a point to focus on goals rather than resolutions. I find it much easier to achieve what I want to without feeling that there is added pressure. To me resolutions tend to get thrown to the side whereas goals are something that you should strive to complete.

I tend to limit how many goals I focus on because I do not want to be overwhelmed. 

Here is what I am focusing on this year:

*Finances. I rarely discuss finances on my blog but I figured I would break my own rule for the sake of this post. Kyle and I have always been pretty good with money and we do our best to not spend frivolously. We only have 2 pieces a debt, a small credit card and my car payment. Our goal this year is to pay off my car, we bought it last March and would love to have it paid off my the end of the year. With my plan this year which includes putting our entire tax return towards that loan and continuing to make additional principle payments we can successfully have my card paid off in December. Which would be 2 1/2 years early. In addition to that we will continue monthly transfers into savings as well as E's college account. 

*Health. While I do run on a regular basis I need to get back into my healthier eating habits. I don't eat terribly but I tend to skip meals and that is not good (believe me I know). I am going to start planning my breakfasts and lunches in advance so I have no excuse to not eat. 

*Be More Present. As we all know we live in a world where technology is such a huge part of our every day lives however it shouldn't have to be. I want to make it a point to have at least 2 hours daily where technology is not involved. I want to be present and focus on my family as well as myself. E is already growing too fast and I don't want to miss a moment.

*Declutter. With a move happening this year some major decluttering needs to happens. We have so much stuff that we don't use and it's getting out of control. We have a rule that if we haven't used something in 3 months it gets donated or tossed. I will begin this process this weekend and I can't wait!

I'm excited for attack these goals this year and make 2017 amazing!


  1. Um yes, I need to declutter too!!

  2. Such a great way of looking at it to make goals instead of resolutions, you work toward goals and that is a better way! Good luck with all of these, I want to work on saving money since last year was debt pay off and being more present, it is so hard for us women! have a great weekend!

  3. I love your goal for getting your car paid off this year and for decluttering! I feel like if I used your rule about if I didn't use something for 6 months it gets thrown away or donated that I would have a lot more room in my closet!

  4. Those are great goals! I love setting goals instead of resolutions as well. For some reason, in my mind "resolution" is a negative thing while I look forward to conquering a goal!

  5. I hope I'm in better shape by 2018 myself

  6. Decluttering is my favorite! I do it once a season, especially with clothes. I'm totally guilty of skipping meals too. Sometimes I'm being lazy and sometimes I get so focused on something that I just forget.

  7. Paying off our cars is key this year too! Also: decluttering my craft stuff. I have too much 🙈🙈🙈🙈

  8. These are awesome goals and you can totally achieve them! I struggle a lot with not eating right. Sometimes I don't eat until the afternoon which is so bad for me. When I make a bunch of food in advance and then I just have to heat it up for lunch, I am much more likely to eat it!

  9. Love the idea of goals! We paid both our cars off early too and it has been so nice not having those payments for years. My Yukon is about to run out of steam (and room!) so we are starting to budget to prepare to get something new this summer.

  10. Super relatable goals! Excited to follow you and your sweet fam this year and see where it takes you guys! I know it'll be a big year.

  11. I love decluttering. I tend to do it monthly. I dislike having things that aren't used. You have great goals! It will be a great year!

  12. I'm so glad to hear about your financial goals! Think of all the interest you'll save!!

  13. I can totally get behind these goals...! I have meal prepped this week in an effort to save money and eat better to meet my macros. What is happening to me?!

  14. I think your comment on goals vs resolutions is spot on. I'm having trouble coming up with anything for the whole year on account of the big move, but I know for sure that decluttering will play a big part. It's already begun and it feels SO good!

  15. These are FANTASTIC goals for the year! Wishing you all a great 2017

  16. Paying off your car is such a relief! My goals this year include being more present, too. I also want to pay off my student loan debt. It seems so daunting but I know we can both reach our goals!! :) Happy 2017! I'm so behind on blog reading and commenting, but I hope your year is off to a fabulous start. xoxo

  17. Those are such great goals! I have similar ones on my list.

  18. Good luck with these! I'm also working on decluttering. And build our savings account.

    1. Thanks! It always feels so nice to declutter!

  19. Good luck with your goals it sounds like all of them are tangible ! Good for you for having a plan to pay off debt! I love to Declutter and do it often,My kids laugh at me they say I am the opposite of a hoarder!

  20. These are awesome goals! Payin off your car early is a huge nut to be done with, Mike and I were just talking about paying off his truck by December as well!

  21. I need to declutter. The house is a disaster, and every time I try to declutter someone argues with me about it.

  22. Those are awesome goals! Decluttering is a huge goal for us this year too.


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