Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Resolutions...Or Not.

Every year, people start out with their resolutions. Whether it be go to the gym more, be more present, or stop being on social media so much. Everyone has something that they want to focus on and whatever that may be for you, I wish you a successful year. Even if you don't have any resolutions, I hope this year is amazing for you.

I sat down and thought long and hard about what I wanted the focus of this year to be. I wasn't sure if I wanted it to be a specific resolution or a goal. I was honestly stuck and I couldn't figure it out. I felt like this was something that I couldn't rush because it was just going to frustrate me. 

Then it hit me. I just want to continue to grow. As a person, a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister, an aunt. I want to be the best version of myself and do all I can to make that a reality. Am I going to be perfect this year?! Not at all, but striving towards perfection is not what I'm going for. 

I want to live life to the fullest and just enjoy every single moment that I have with those that I love. 

I want to smile more but recognize that it's okay to have an off day, because it's those days that we often learn the most from. 

I want to be better about letting the little things go that have no impact on me whatsoever. 

I want to be better about finding the joy in every single moment, even when it might not be clear at first. 

I want to embrace the struggles and know that they are all part of the journey. 

I want to inspire others to embrace who they are.

I found these quotes and they spoke to me so much.
Here is to living out loud this year and being the best version of me I can be.

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