Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Goals for 2018

Hello, 2018 and Happy New Year, everyone!

As with every year, my first post is always focused on goals. I'm not one for resolutions as I feel they are easier to just throw aside after a while. Goals seems easier to obtain and achieve. Here are my goals for the year!
1. Pay Off Credit Card. 

We got somewhat off track with this last year. I blame the move and setting up a new household. But let's me honest there really is no excuse. One of the things we did do in 2017 was pay off my car 3 1/2 years early. All we have left is this credit card. While it's not an astronomical amount, it's something we desperately want to eliminate. My goal for this year is to pay off this card. Kyle will earn a pay raise due to promotion this month so we will making more substantial payments. They will be automatic so I won't be tempted to alter them. 

2. Eat Better

I would be lying if I said that I ate the best all the time. However, I want to get better about making certain choices. My workout group is starting a challenge on January 15th and I'm hoping it will help me incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my diet. I eat them but not regularly. It's a small change that I know will make a big difference for me.

3. Train and Run Chicago Marathon

It's no secret that I am running the Chicago Marathon in October. I am both terrified and excited. I've ran a marathon before but I did not train as much as I should/could have. I want this time to be different and I'm going to work my butt to ensure that it is different. Of course, on race day anything can happen but I am determined to go into it feeling the best I can. I am working on my training plan but I have a variety of races that will fit into my training schedule which I am excited about.

4. Read More

Since E was born I have read absolutely nothing, I know it's terrible! To be honest, it makes me sad. There are so many good books out there and I'm determined to jump back on the bandwagon in 2018. I want to take the time before bed every night to read instead of playing on my phone and zoning out in front of the tv. I know it will help relax me. I do have a list to start from but send me any book recommendations you have.

5. Be More Present

I set this goal last year and I want to continue it. I want to put my phone down and truly enjoy every moment I can with family and friends. I need to realize that I don't have to document every little thing. It's okay to not have a photo that goes along with a story or experience. It's about living in the moment and I need to do that. 

What are your goals for the new year?


  1. I got a card I want done before they give me interest...ugh

  2. My number one goal is to take charge of my health through diet and exercise. As for book recommendations, I have plenty ;) I would encourage you to read Salt To The Sea by Ruta Sepetys or The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. Both are as good as people say and historical fiction (if you do or don't like that). Or Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. That's a favorite which keeps you entertained.

  3. Opps, I didn't finish my comment lol. So proud of you to see another marathon on your goal list! You are awesome! I need to add #1 to my goal list to.

  4. Great goals! That's so exciting that all you have left to pay is the credit card :) I need to eat better as well, my diet has been crap for a good portion of this year :( Best of luck with all of your goals for the year!

  5. I am not one for resolutions either, they just seem so cut and dry to me. I have fallen off my normal clean eating train, but I fully blame cravings during treatment. When only one thing sounds good, you just eat that one thing. LOL

  6. Those are great goals! I'm like you... I make New Year's Resolutions, but in reality they're goals... There is just something about the word "resolution" that I don't care for. I am the same way with reading.... I find myself zoning out in front of the TV or my phone or surfing the Internet too much!

  7. Great goals! It would be an awesome blessing to be debt free! Can't wait to hear about what you read.

  8. I'm desperately trying to make sure I get enough vegetables (since I've gone mainly the vegetarian route). It's a conscious effort so we'll see.
    I'm also trying to pay off my credit card before the end of the school year.

  9. I want to eat better, be present and read more too! Credit cards are hard, once you have them paid off, something always pops up. Good luck with that and your marathon training!

  10. I am totally on board with all of these goals for myself as well! Minus the marathon one haha good luck with all of them!

  11. Great goals! I wish you luck with them! :) I need to finalize my goals for the year and share them soon as well!

  12. I love your goal of being more present! I'm so guilty of being on my phone or taking lots of pictures instead of just enjoying the moment.

  13. Moving always gives our credit card a hit too. I'm squirreling away money in anticipating our summer move. I can't wait to see your finish time in the Chicago marathon. You're gonna do great!

  14. These sound pretty great to me. Being more present is 100% one I need to add to my list, it's so easy to let life drift by without paying much attention to it. I blame my phone!

  15. This Christmas was one where it seemed like everyone in the family got a couple new books...so I'm really happy because that means I can borrow new books to read from the others--that should definitely help with my reading goals this year! And I know that paying off that credit card will feel seriously AWESOME.

  16. These are fabulous goals - mine are pretty similar!! I have no idea what 2018 is bringing other then lots of change and defo need to be good with my $$. And yeah, I'm not sure why I haven't read much lately.. Hmm.

  17. Great list of goals! Being more present was is on my list as well.


Love hearing from you!! :)