Friday, February 26, 2010

Favorite Fridays!

I got this cute idea from Stephanie over at Army Wife on a Mission..she got the idea from A Girl in Pearls and A Boy with Toys....go check out both their blogs!

Today's topic is Favorite Vacation Spot!!

I have been on many wonderful vacations over the years but there are 2 that really stand out. My first is a trip I took with my church in 2004 to the Dominican Republic! All I can say is wow, what a beautiful country! The first 6 days or so was spent working with children and different organizations, but then the last few days were spent at the beach! I had such an amazing time!
Me, Jeff and Jen on the beach in Santo Domingo, DR

My next favorite spot would have to be Maui, Hawaii! My parents took my sister and I there for Christmas 2005. We spent 10 amazing days laying by the beach,enjoying our resort and exploring the most beautiful places there. It was a dream come true and am still so thankful to my parents for that amazing trip.

                            Whale Watch
                                                                                   Me and Lisa

I would love for Kyle and I to go to Hawaii together, here's hoping we can make that happen!

Happy Friday Everyone!! Hope you all have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Light at the end of the tunnel!

It is looking as though this Haiti deployment is coming to an end. Units from Kyle's brigade began redeploying today and a few hundred landed this afternoon here at Bragg. Hopefully soon Kyle will be returning as well! I am so beyond excited, I talked to him tonight and he sounded exhausted and ready to come home. I can't wait to see all the pictures that he has taken and hear about everything that he experienced there.

We are looking forward to taking a much needed vacation to the beach...we are going to spend 4 days away and we can't wait!! Plus, we have 2 concerts we are going to in April (thank goodness he will be back before then haha) Between his work and mine, we both have been extremely busy even before his deployment to Haiti. He will be transitioning into a new job at work and that will mean lots of long hours, but he will be doing something he loves as the S2. I will be officially be a Legal Assistant at the end of next month, I'm so looking forward to it.

This weekend will be dedicated to cleaning my house (after dog-sitting 2 additional dogs for 2 1/2 weeks it needs it) and hopefully getting my hair cut and colored! Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My life in pictures

Me and my amazing Dad                                                       Me and my wonderful Mom

Me and my beautiful sister, Lisa

Me and my adorable neice, Kylie

Kyle, Me and Kyle's parents, Chris and Dwight

                                                                                                 Me and the love of my life, Kyle

                              Our Family

Love my Soldier!

Survey Time...

I have seen a few fellow bloggers doing this survey, I figured I would join the fun!

1. How often do you wash/change your sheets?

I usually wash them once a week, I am a clean freak haha so it has to get done.

2. When is your birthday?

July 23rd, I love having a summer birthday!!!

3. Have you ever met a bloggy friend in real life?

I haven't, but you never know what can happen!

4. Brad Pitt or George Clooney?

Definitely George Clooney love him!!!

5. If you could change one thing about your body what would it be?

Oh gosh...I probably would change the few extra pounds hanging on..I need to get myself back into the gym!

6. How often do you wash your hair?

Everyday, I have really thick hair and it gets out of control if I don't.

7. Do you have pets?

Yup!! Our 6 year old mini-dachshund, Emma and our 2 year old tabby cat, Fishy. They are our sweet babies.

8. How many social networks do you belong to? And if you had to give one up what would it be?

Facebook, Blogger, Twitter and Myspace. I would probably give up myspace...I have been meaning to delete it but just haven't gotten around to it.

Happy Wednesday, Everyone!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Skype....oh how I love thee...

I love Skype!! I love that I can sit and watch my niece, Kylie be so silly even though I am 3,000 miles away. I love being able to talk to my parents and sister, Lisa and actually see them!! For anyone that knows me personally knows how close I am to my family, and moving away was one of the hardest things I have ever done. Having Skype has made the distance easier to handle. We were able to watch Kylie open her presents on Christmas morning, which is so important to me. Thank you creator of Skype for keeping families close even when they are so far away!

My Family
Jake (family friend), Mom, Dad, Kylie, Lisa, Me and Kyle
June 13, 2008, my last race living in Vegas.
I miss the very late nights at the drag races.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunshine Award

I am super excited that I received my first award tonight!! Sunshine Award. Thanks to Miranda @ Two Hearts..One Dream

"The Sunshine Award is given to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspire others in the blog world.

I am now going to pass along the sunshine and present this award to some of my favorite bloggers

who make my day

"A Sunshine Day!"

The rules, once this award is received, are as follows:

1. Post the logo on blog

2. Pass the award on to fellow bloggers

3. Link the nominees blogs so other can get to know them

4. Let nominees know they have won this award by commenting on their blog

5. Share the love and link to the person who received this award from.

I am excited to pass this award onto the following ladies:

5.  Brittany @ Mr. and Mrs. Cardenas

6. Jessica @ Learning As We Go

I truly enjoy reading all of your blogs!

So glad the weekend is over...

Wow those are words I never though would come out of my mouth. This weekend has been jam packed with routine maintenance on both my car and Kyle's...lots of cleaning and trying to get sleep. I have been dog-sitting (2 dogs) for 2 1/2 weeks for a friend of mine. I love animals don't get me wrong but I am beyond ready to have my house back (I have to keep my cat put away because he is not a fan of big dogs). They will be going home tomorrow and I'm happy. I guess I miss having my normal routine of just having it be me, emma and fishy.

I heard from Kyle today and hopefully we are nearing the end of his time in Haiti. He seems to think things are wrapping up and that they will be coming home sooner rather than later. Unfortunately he will be leaving something to remember him by in Haiti: his wedding ring! He called me on Wednesday and sounded so sad when he told me that it had fallen off. He has lost some weight and he thinks it fell off when he was playing football with the guys. He and a few others have been looking for it, but have had no luck. I told him that it was ok and that we would just buy a new one. Of course it bums me out but things happen. I finally found a picture of him with his platoon at FOB Black here it is:
He is the tallest guy in the back row (2nd to the last on the right)

Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

One month down...

I can't believe it has already been a month since Kyle left for Haiti. Time has definitely flown by, I sent out 2 care packages to him on Saturday and he got them today! He called me and was so excited to have homemade chocolate chip cookies, beef jerky and sunflower seeds. We still are unsure as to when they will be home but just hearing about all the amazing things they have done and continue to do just makes me so happy and proud! We are looking forward to taking a mini-vacation when he gets home!

For the past few months at work I have known that my friend, Jordan, would most likely be leaving to move to Colorado with her husband after he finished SF school, well it's official she and Eric will be headed off next month...what does that mean for me?! Well, I will officially be the legal assistant for our criminal attorney! I am beyond excited and can't wait to take on the challenge. I really enjoy the work I do and love interacting with our clients.

So, I have seen on a lot of my fellow bloggers pages that they are having followers ask questions...I figured I would follow suit. Feel free to ask me anything, I will answer them this weekend!

Hope everyone is having a great Thursday!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sweet Surprise....

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Valentine's Day so far...I can honestly say that mine has turned out to be better than I expected. With my hubby being in Haiti, I wasn't expecting anything and was ok with that, as long as I was able to hear from him that would be the best. Of course, he surprised me (even from Haiti he still knows how to make me feel special). I was still sleeping when someone starting banging on my front door, I was confused and angry at the same time haha, but when I opened the door there was a pro flowers box containing these:

I was sooo surprised! I have the most amazing husband! He called me a few hours later and tried to play it off like he hadn't already had it planned before he left.

Speaking of the hubby, he is doing well in Haiti, they finished up their food drops yesterday, so now there won't be much to do. They all have done such great things while being there and I am so proud! Hopefully they will start coming home soon, but only time will tell.

I hope everyone is enjoying their day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Proud to be his wife....

I had to post this picture because it makes me smile. My amazing hubby before he left for Haiti :) 1-22-09

Bad Day...

So I normally don't like to complain on this or rant on about how I'm having a bad day, but I really need to vent. I know Kyle has only been gone for about 3 weeks but I am beyond ready for him to come home. I went through the emotions before he left, it dragged on for a week, we said goodbye numerous times and then when the time came I was so emotionally drained, I was numb. I know it's not a deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan but it's still hard. Believe me I am so extremely proud of him for the work he is doing, but I want to be selfish and have him home with me. A really great friend of mine told me that it's ok to have a bad day and you can't always be strong. She was beyond right. I'm hoping Kyle comes home sooner rather than later. I miss my husband! Thanks for letting me vent!