Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Feelings

Kyle and I are going to El Paso this weekend to look at homes with our realtor. We are really excited to get this going and I have my fingers crossed that we will be able to put an offer on a home *squeel*. Amidst all of our excitement we are still getting several negative opinions about this move (at no point have we asked anyone their opinion because frankly it doesn't matter). I am sick and tired of people thinking that we want their opinion. We made this decision for Kyle to take this job because it is good for his career and because we have heard AMAZING things about Bliss and the area from people who actually have been there. Here is my response to the negative people:

Thanks for letting me vent!!

On a very positive note, since I went on vacation a month ago I tried my hardest to watch my calorie intake and still try to lose weight. 

The last time I did a post I weighed:


Well I weighed myself this morning and was shocked to see this number pop up:


HOLY COW!!!!! I am so excited, I am 3.4 pounds away from my goal. I honestly thought that I would have gained weight on my trip. I am just hoping that I can keep it up.

Don't forget about my 200 followers giveaway, tomorrow night I will be announcing the winner!

Have a great day!


  1. Yay for keeping up with your weight loss goals! Awesome!

  2. Congratulations on your accomplishment!!! Also, hugs for your troubles and you can vent anytime. :)

  3. Congrats on the weight loss!! Wooooo

  4. Woo Hoo!! Go Jen!!! And I feel you on the negativity! While this place has been our most challenging place so far, a big part of why we wanted to do the military life was so we could experience places we never would have otherwise. So even though we aren't always happy here (just wait until you step on your first goat head barefoot....) I have LOVED exploring the area (it is SO unique, everyone compares it to Arizona but it is completely different) and we have met so many AWESOME people here. And really, life is what you make it, I honestly think the negative people want to be unhappy anyway:) And I'm so excited for you to house hunt!! I love looking at houses and I wish I was still in the market for a house so I could check out all the houses for sale I see.

  5. I hate it when people decided to give their opinion when it isn't asked for. It's a big reason relationships get hurt...Dumb people. haha Love the new blog design!

  6. Congrats on the weight loss! I need some mucho motivation over here. I put back on half the weight I lost during the hubster's deployment.

  7. Awesome job with the weight loss! I always seem to gain on vacation.

  8. Congrats on the weight loss!! I am sure you two will have soooo much fun going house shopping! I see you went with WTF for your new blog design!!! It look amazing!!! Can't wait to hear how the house hunting goes.

  9. Yay for losing weight! I'm so excited for your house hunt and this new adventure! Hope those people and their opinions stop raining on your parade. :)

  10. I am getting very good at not listening to opinions on how and where I live too! Good on you! :)

  11. That is so awesome on the weight loss!!! Congrats honey!!! I finally broke into the 130's!!! As for people with their negative crap, you and your hubby alone know what is best for you two. But like the saying goes, opinions are like.... ;) everyone has one.

  12. Yay Jen! That is so awesome and you must feel so great being so close to your goal, keep up the hard work! Also, don't worry about what other people say about your decision to move, it's up to you and your hubby to decide what's best for our family. But, you already knew that ;)

  13. That is so awesome! Forget the negative people, you don't need them dragging you down!

  14. I nominated you for Liebster Award, check out my blog for details:

  15. Don't let those negative people get to you. It bothers me how negative some people are at other people's happiness.


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