Wednesday, September 3, 2014

An Update

Well we are 3 days into September and I cannot believe that this is year is flying by so fast. I have been meaning to do a life update lately and here it is:


Recently I registered for my last 18 classes of school! I can't believe it, I never thought that I would be finished with my bachelor's degree in just 20 months. I am proud of myself for sticking with it because to be honest I wasn't sure if I would. There were times when I found myself struggling with the idea of writing another forum post or another paper. 

I am so glad that I made the decision to go back to school and even more thankful that Kyle was willing to give me his Post 9/11 GI Bill. It has been such a huge blessing to me. I do have the desire to get my master's degree so I will likely start working on that sometime next fall.


I do have specific goals in mind when it comes to finding a job. Obviously, there will be no jobs before we move to Louisiana. Right now I have my sights set on getting a job at either a CDC (child development center) or CYS (Child & Youth Services) after we move to just get my foot in the door before I finish my degree. I would love to have a job working with kids within DoD so that moving so much won't be a problem. 


Our HHG will be packed and picked up on September 17/18th! We have not found a home in Louisiana yet which to be honest is no big deal. Kyle will get his 10 days permissive TDY and this will give us a chance to figure that all out. I ended up not having the time to go out there like I had planned but oh well such is life.


Well not much new is going on with this. We decided to hold off on the 3rd round of clomid right now and wait until we get to Louisiana and get set up with a new RE doctor there. My mind and body are in stress mode due to the move so Kyle and I both agreed to just wait. I have noticed that some of the people I know dealing with infertility like to give their opinions about things we are doing. Every journey is different, every person is different and I am tired of being told what I am doing is wrong. It has been a 5 year journey for us and I don't need rude opinions.


I am still running and loving every second. I honestly have never felt better, I am at a healthy weight and my energy is awesome. We have 8 races left to run this year and I can't wait. I know that what I am doing is helping my mental and physical state.


Kyle is good, he is just ready to start this new journey at Polk. Being a company commander in a deactivating unit has truly stressed him out more than anything. I feel bad seeing him this way when he comes home from work. I know that only good things await him and his new job.

So much is going to change in the coming months but we are ready for it and excited. 

Hope you all have a great Wednesday.


  1. I applied for jobs with CYS and I hope you can get in! I was always told I was overqualified for the hourly jobs and not qualified enough for the director positions. DoD is a tricky business.
    Thinking good thoughts for you as you go through (another) transition!

  2. Whew, you're a busy girl!! Don't let anyone get you down about how you are handling your fertility, its your life and you can do whatever you choose with it. I am SO sick and tired of the opinions,comments and suggestions from the people I work with....they feel like they need to tell me everyday how and what I should be doing. OVER IT!

  3. Wow - you have your hands full. So happy that running is so therapeutic for you and I love your career plans!

  4. You have so much going on right now, whew! So proud of you for finishing up your degree so quickly! That's awesome!! :)

  5. You guys have a lot going on. Sending positive thoughts your way.

  6. Good luck with everything you have going on.

  7. I'm so excited for you to finish your degree! I'm.also really sad, and surprised people would have negative opinions on your fertility; everything will happen when it's supposed to ;)

  8. Sounds like a lot of stuff in your near future! I love when there's a lot to look forward too. Hope everything goes well!

    <a href=">Sunflowers & Love</a>

  9. Good luck with the job search! I know y'all will find a great place in Fort Polk.

  10. It is awesome that you are almost finished with your degree! I am toying with the idea of going back for my master's, but money and time are the biggest factors right now.

  11. I know how hard it can be sticking to a school schedule like that. I did my Bachelor's degree in 15 months while holding down a full-time job and being pregnant / took care of a newborn. You can definitely be proud of yourself! I agree that every journey is different, and hope that you manage not to take those comments to heart. Hope for you two that you have an easy move and readjust to the new assignment quickly!!

  12. I really enjoyed this post and seeing where you are right now. Good luck with school, the move, and poor Kyle's stress levels! And as always, I am praying for that little miracle baby :)

  13. I did 15 credits a semester to get through my Masters Degree. You're right, after awhile I never wanted to write another paper ever. In hindsight, I'm glad I did it so quickly, that's way better than dragging it out, or it was for me. Good luck with your last semester. Will you walk?

  14. Sending hugs! I know sometimes life can be stressful but you'll pull through and I have high hope you'll have a LA baby :) XO

  15. So much going on, but so exciting too! I hope the move goes smoothly and that you guys find a house too!

  16. Good to hear an update on life for you and Kyle. Do what u know works for you for this time of your life. I was stressed at work this afternoon and just had calm myself. Think calm and carry on. Breath! Take care and happy to know things are going well for you. Hugs and prayers.

  17. You rock for knocking school out so quickly! Best of luck with all things moving related! Can't believe it's already time!

  18. I think you'll have good luck getting hired. With on post jobs, it's all about how you fill out the application. (I attended one of those ACS classes, and it was a big help; I've had 3 different on post job offers.)

    This is our second time being part of a deactivating unit. I guess we just have the magic touch LOL. I know the first time around was pretty stressful for us, and I can only imagine that it's more so being in your husband's position. At least the end is in sight.

  19. So happy for you and your school accomplishments! You're awesome! Sending you and Kyle lots of good thoughts as you transition to your new home. :)


Love hearing from you!! :)