Thursday, January 10, 2013

Is it possible?!

 I am currently over a week late for my planned visit from the "Evil P".  For those that know our infertility journey you can imagine how much anxiety this is causing me. I am trying to wait at least 1 more week before I test because who knows what could happen. My body could very well just hate me after moving and be out of whack. 

I am doing my very very best to not get my hopes up because I know how it feels to have them shattered. I just had to write my thoughts down before I go crazy and who better to tell them too than all you wonderfully amazing people! I tend to not dwell on this during the day because I always manage to keep myself busy. At night is when my mind races and I think about these things (never a good idea to think haha).

Fingers crossed that I might have some good news in a week but if not we will keep trying and keep on truckin'! 

Have a great day everyone!!


  1. Good luck this week! I know it's so hard to wait. I hope it means that you have a precious little one on the way.

  2. I have my fingers crossed! I hope it works out for the two of you.

  3. !!!!!!! Eeep. Hoping for the best.

  4. Fingers crossed. Is it bad that I just want to mail you a pee stick because I want to know? Crazy how that works, so I know you are going crazy. Regardless of what happens 2013 is going to be a great year for you.

  5. That waiting is the worst! When you think you might be but you don't want to ruin a good thing by testing...I really hope you have wonderful news to share shortly!

  6. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! This is very suspenseful. I'll be praying for you and crossing all possible fingers!

  7. Good luck! Saying a prayer for you!

  8. EEEEEEEEEEEE! If you are over a week late, would it hurt to pee on a stick? I only say that because I'm a pee on a stick addict. But really - I want to know too!

    Fingers crossed lady!

  9. No words Jen just lots of crossed fingers and toes ~


  10. I saw the title of your post and got very excited. I am praying for you fervently friend!!

  11. Thanks for stopping over the other day from the hop! Newest follower! Keeping fingers crossed for you in this journey, hoping that this is your time of blessing <3

  12. Awwwww! I certainly hope this is it! I'll say a prayer and cross my fingers for you guys! I'll be waiting for good news!

  13. ahahhh! my fingers are crossed!

  14. I'll be thinking of you!! I couldn't imagine the uncertainty. Seems like you've got the right attitude about it, though. Fingers crossed!!

  15. I am REALLY REALLY praying for you, Jen!! It took my parents 13 years to have me, so I've heard about these struggles my whole life. I wish you the best! xoxo

  16. ahh crossing my fingers and toes for you! xo

  17. I'll be sending prayers and good vibes your way, Jen! xo

  18. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you guys!!

  19. Prayers going up and everything I can cross will be crossed! I don't think I've wanted this more for anyone before!

  20. Prayers going up and everything I can cross will be crossed! I don't think I've wanted this more for anyone before!

  21. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

  22. My MIL's mother had her first and not another one for thirteen years, but then went on to have four more. I'm praying for you!

  23. Praying that you will get GREAT news soon!!!

  24. I'm hoping beyond hope this ends in happy news!! I can't even imagine the level of anxiety you are going through right now! What a fantastic way to start the new year if you are! And if not, a big poo on you mother nature.

  25. Ill be praying for you! That is exciting!

  26. Good luck! Im keeping you in my prayers.

  27. That's so exciting! I hope your uterus is a baby making fiend right now!

    No matter what happens, there's a bright side: Some extra time away from the least magical part of being a woman.

  28. Oh my gosh...I have everything crossed and crossed two more times!

  29. Crossin' all my fingers and toes for ya Jen!!!!


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