Thursday, January 24, 2013


After much thought and tears I have decided to turn down the job I was offered. I'm sure many of you are thinking "You were so excited, what changed?!" I realized all the things I would be missing out on. I want to volunteer and get to know people here and I feel like working would prohibit that. I think that I'm not the working type anymore (as much as I thought I was), it just doesn't make me happy.

After coming to this decision I feel like a weight has been lifted. 



  1. aww girly... I always believe things happen for a reason. I'm sure you would have been WONDERFUL at this job but it just wasn't right. Something different (and better)is in the future!

  2. That much be such a difficult decision to make! I am sure that whatever you choose for yourself is the best! I totally agree that if you are not happy, there is no point in doing it! It is anyway no harm in re deciding later, if you want to work! ;)

  3. I wondered how it would go. I was the same way when I worked while pregnant with Elizabeth back in the day. It wasn't great with the husband's schedule, and took away too much time together. I am glad you made this decision, and you are happy with it. It isn't always about the money! Volunteering will keep you beyond busy, but on your terms!

  4. Good for you. There is plenty of time for boring old work! Enjoy yourself while you can!

  5. As long as you're doing what's best for you, that's all that matters!

  6. Awwwwww. :(

    I'm not gonna lie... I'm kinda jealous you got a job offer and I'm very jealous you can choose not to work. LOL.

  7. I completely understand. It is nice that you don't have to work. My husband is in construction, so as much as he is laid off some years, I have to work. I would love nothing more than to stay at home with our future babies and do volunteer work. As long as you can afford it, do what makes YOU happy! :) Best of luck to you!

  8. Good for you my friend! Do what you want to do and never look back!

  9. I'm happy you're at peace with your decision! It's all about what makes you happy :)

  10. Good for you for doing what felt right to you! Volunteering is just as important!

  11. You have to do what makes you happy. I always say I will go back to work, but working doesn't seem the same to me anymore.

  12. Glad you're doing what makes you happy! Sometimes, it's hard for people to do that (me included), but in the end, peace in your heart is sometimes what matters most.

  13. If it feels like a weight has been lifted, it probably was best for you. I'm about to start looking, but I want the pay to be what I used to get when I was on salary, and the hours that will let me take my son to school and pick him up too, hahahahaha. Challenging, I know. I never take the easy route on anything...used to drive my mother crazy. ;)

  14. Always follow your heart and do what makes you happy! If you do those things, then you won't regret anything and you will live a happy, fulfilling life :)

  15. Glad you came to a decision that will make your life happier. Sorry it took tears and stress to decide it, but glad nonetheless. I'm not a "normal working girl" either. My life is much better at home. ;-)
    Good for you!

  16. I want this option pronto! Sometimes we just have to follow our hearts for a bit.

  17. Glad you were able to make the decision that makes you happy! I enjoy working, but would love to work LESS! Whoever decided on the 40 hour work week is a jerk. :)

    1. Thanks Dandy! I realized that I had worked so much in my life that it's time to do something for me. :)

  18. You said it ... do what makes you happy. And if working doesn't make you happy, move on!
    I'm so glad that you came to the realization before you started! No more tears lovely, go out and make a difference!


  19. Yay for you being able to do what makes/keeps you happy! I am happy for you

  20. That's such a tough decision! I'm sure you'll be happier in the long run. I still go back and forth about this myself.

  21. We leave for our next duty station in 3 weeks and we will only be there for 18 months so I am wrestling with this too...this lifestyle changes everything I ever thought about wanting a career. At the end of the day though you are right...just do what makes you happy!

    1. Thanks Julie! I wish you lots of luck with your decision. You will do whats right for you. :)

  22. You've got to do what is right for you. Kuddos for you for making the right decision for yourself!

  23. that is always hard to be faced with such a big decision, but it sounds like at the end of the day you knew what was best and went with it! way to go! can't regret that :)

  24. Proud of you, sweet friend! You never stop going after what you feel in your heart to be right! I love that about you!


  25. Thanks for stopping by to say hi today! Just wanted to return the favor :)

    Congrats on making this decision for yourself, too!

  26. Awww...! :/ As long as you're happy! I know it's not impossible to do, but I did kinda wonder how taking on the FRG was going to work with a job. Glad you decided to do what's best for you.

  27. I'm glad you made the right decision for you. :) I lucked out with my job here, in that it was just what I needed at the time, but I do feel like I miss out on meeting other spouses.

  28. Glad you're doing what makes you happy. Volunteering is such a rewarding thing to do. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters. :)

  29. Oh my goodness! I can only imagine how difficult a decision like that is to make, but you are what makes you happy! You have so much to offer in whatever it is that you do!


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