Friday, November 2, 2012

I am a collector!

When Kyle and I got married I decided that I wanted to start a collection of some sort. I'm not really into dolls so I knew that was out and I think thimbles are weird. haha. I finally decided that I wanted to collect Spoons. 

I have been lucky enough that family members have sent me spoons from their travels. Kyle even got me a spoon from Haiti (it is literally a dinner spoon that was run over, he brought it home in a ziploc bag covered in hand sanitizer). As of right now I have 97 spoons, I keep a spreadsheet so I know where I have spoons from and how many. 

In the house we are currently in I have no wall space to hang my spoons cases up but once we move they will be going up. They are too cool not to display. For now they are sitting in a box collected dust. Boo!

My sister tells me that I'm like an 80 year old lady with my collection lol. 

I took these pictures when we were still in NC and I have added several spoons since then. 

I hope I can keep this collection going, thanks to the Army I don't think that will be a problem. Feel free to get my info and send me spoons haha just kidding. :)

Have a great day!


  1. I see those little spoons all over during yard sale season!

  2. Do you have any from Japan? I could hook you up!

  3. My grandma collected spoons while my grandpa was active duty in the Air Force. It's really cool to see the ones she found while they were overseas. Mac and I keep talking about how we need to start collecting something, haha.

  4. I have a few spoons, but we collect salt and pepper shakers.

  5. We had an RV growing up and I collected spoons from every state that we visited! I don't have as many as you, but I have been to each place I have one from. Kinda fun to collect something, huh? It seems the only thing I collect right now is dirty diapers in this household. :)

  6. Wow. That's quite the collection. I hope you have memories from every spoon you own.

  7. I love your collection!! My great grandma had a spoon collection, too, and I always loved it when she would tell me the stories behind each one! :) So, yes, I guess you are like an 80 year old lady in that way hehe, but I think it's AWESOME! :)

  8. I love collecting old things. My grandma collected old spoons, I want to start collecting old keys!! Happy Friday love!


  9. I love your collection! I should do a post about mine :)

  10. That is so unique! I never really even realized that spoons were one of those souvenir items that you could find as a tourist.

  11. I think spoon collections are so cool! I've always wanted to stay a collection of them!

  12. Aww man, I had some spoons that someone had given me, but I got rid of them a few months ago. I wish I had known, I would have given them to you for your collection!

  13. My husband and I collect shot glasses (sounds weird but they are easy to pack and every place offers them). I'm going on vacation in a week and a half; if you send me your address I'll look for some spoons kjloven at


Love hearing from you!! :)