Friday, October 12, 2012

Let's Get Political...just kidding

There are 3 things that you will never catch me talking about: money, religion and the biggest one of all is politics. I find that no matter your beliefs it always causes conflict with someone else. I just choose to keep my opinions to myself. I honestly have no desire to get in a debate with other people because it always ends up with someone angry about one thing or another. With the election coming up everyone is talking about it, which is fine, but I just choose to keep my mouth shut. I have had to limit my time on Facebook because I just don't want to hear about it. I have noticed that some people can't seem to have a civilized conversation about politics and that's sad. It reminds me of the saying "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all."

Everyone is entitled to their opinion I would just rather not read about it 24/7 on my newsfeed. Bottom line is that I will be voting but I just don't want to blast my political feelings and beliefs all over the internet. 

Haha this made me laugh....but in all seriousness I don't delete anyone over their posts, I just either hide the post or close my computer. :) 

I hope you all have an awesome weekend!!


  1. i know...isn't it ridiculous? like i'm going to be able to change anyone's mind anyhow. i don't get angry, i just vote!

  2. I never voice my political views. Too much drama!

  3. I feel the same way! I talk about political issues with people who I know will respect my opinion and vice versa, but publicly where I know SOMEONE is going to act like I'm the dumbest person on earth - No Thank You!

  4. Haha, love this. I obviously voice my views on the blog often, but I hope I always to it in a way that doesn't offend the other side, because that is never my intention. It will all be over soon those, so hopefully those annoying facebook rants will end.


  5. Ahh, I completely agree. And I just don't like politics anyway. Haha. People don't have to agree on all things politics, but be respectful of others opinions whether you agree with them or not. Have a lovely weekend! :)

  6. I think it is sad that people can't have these discussions or debates civilly. Yes, FB has been a madhouse. It is too much!

  7. I feel the same way! Sometimes I get so frustrated with my newsfeed I have to turn it off. It's great that people are passionate about what they believe in but bashing someone else because they don't share the same views as you is just mean. Can't wait until this season is over! :)

  8. We are so bad we are just not going to worry about registering so we don't have to do jury duty since California goes to the democrats automatically.

  9. I LOVE to hear peoples views on politics and religion. I am so curious as to how people think and form conclusions. I know it is time to talk about the weather when they get militant or insulting...then it's no longer an exchange of ideas.


Love hearing from you!! :)