Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Gettin' Creative

I am normally not the most creative person on this planet. It's probably because I am pretty lazy and have a hard time sitting still for long periods of time (at least I'm honest, right?! lol). Today I was thinking that I have nowhere to keep my recipes (yes, I do have a food blog but I want something I can grab if I don't want to get my computer; again there is the lazy part haha). 

I didn't want to pay a ton of money to make a recipe book online, and even then I couldn't add or delete recipes as I need. 

I headed off to the PX this morning in search of the perfect materials. I came across this photo album for $4.99:

Cute, right?!

 I found some 4x6 multi-design scrapbooking paper and it finally clicked what I wanted to do. I typed up my recipes (90% of which are floating around in my brain or written on random pieces of paper) and glued them to the scrapbooking paper. 

Here is the final product:

I am very happy with it!!! I love that I can add/delete recipes anytime I want. I already have 38 of my recipes done and in the book, quite a few more to go. 

What do you think?!

I hope you all have had a great day, time for me to get back to re-watching seasons 1-4 of Sons of Anarchy to prepare for the 5th season! 


  1. Oh that is such a cool idea!

    New reader here!

  2. I am here from the hop!

    Such a cute idea and I may just have to copy you!

  3. New follower and I just had to say.....what a great idea!!! I've been thinking of puting mine in a book too (not that I have that many) but couldn't figure out how to put it together. I love this idea!

  4. That is an awesome idea! I have recipes written on random cards and papers. This is a great idea!!!


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