Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Vacation Recap: Part 2

Kyle and I both agreed that Thursday was our favorite day of the whole trip: SeaWorld!!

We got there before they opened and thanks to the Hero Salute program we were able to get free tickets (thank you SeaWorld!!!). We started off with a Sea Lion show which was amazing, these animals are just so impressive. I even got danced with by a team member who was warming up the crowd haha. 

We walked around and took in the amazing sites and adorable animals. We were able to see 2 sea lion pups who were just recently born (one was born that morning), just too cute. 

At 2:30 we had our dolphin encounter, I was so excited for this. We met a 32 year old dolphin named, Nacha. We got to feed her and pet her. It was absolutely incredible!

We then headed off to the Penguin Encounter. Kyle was like a little kid and couldn't wait to see a penguin up close and personal. We met an adorable little girl penguin (she doesn't have a name yet) that is still in penguin school (learning how to swim and feed herself). We were even able to go into the habitat and see just how cold it is where the 200+ penguins live. 

We saw every show at the park and enjoyed the beautiful weather. It was a perfect day.

Stayed tuned for the last vacation recap tomorrow!


  1. Looks like you guys had a great time. We met and swam with dolphins last summer on our honey and it was the greatest. I loved it and would do it again in a heartbeat.

  2. How fun that you got to play with penguins! I am jealous!

  3. Omg, the penguins That's so awesome that you got to touch them! What did they feel like? Were they friendly?
    I've been to Sea World in FL 3 times and its by far one of my favorite places, it's so awesome to see everything up close!

  4. The penguin looks way too cute!! I can see why you guys loved SeaWorld the most!

  5. Oh my goodness! That looks like soooo much fun. I've always wanted to hang out with dolphins & I had not idea you could hang with penguins TOO! :)

  6. Ahh! How fun! I would have been a little kid about the penguins too! I love that you guys got to touch the dolphins also!!

  7. I've seen dolphins before, but I've never touched a penguin! I would have been squealing right along with your hubs. HA!

  8. No wonder it was your favorite vacay! I can't believe you actually got to see a dolphin up close. How long do they live? 32 sounds so old for an animal.

  9. How fun, and is that a Beluga whale?? :)

  10. Wow what a great day! How amazing of Sea World to get you those tickets. I love all your photos, especially holding the penguin - HOW COOL?!?

  11. How fun! I would love to do one of those encounters some day!

  12. Awww fun! I'm dying to get down to Orlando and go to Disney, Universal, Sea World, etc.

  13. I'm so going to have to check out seaworld one of these days; especially since they let you hold the penguins.

  14. Looks like so much fun!! I want to visit Sea World so badly! Someday... :-)

  15. The penguins! Oh my gosh! That's really cool. I've never been to SeaWorld, but it looks like a really fun experience.

    1. Definitely go while you are here!! :) It's so fun!

  16. It was so much fun! I didn't want to leave haha.

  17. That is so cool! You got to meet a dolphin AND penguin? No way!

  18. That penguin encounter looks so awesome!!

  19. Ok, you are living me dream with this update. Getting to touch a real live penguin and dolphin?! Jealous, party of one over here!

  20. So jealous! I wanna pet a dolphin!

  21. I'm impressed that dolphins can live to be that old. But I'm super jealy that you got to meet dolphins and penguins.

  22. My grandparents took me to the big attraction in FL one year but my favorite was Sea World. I loved touching the dolphins!

  23. Those encounters are awesome! So cool!

  24. So fun! I grew up in San Diego, so we went to SeaWorld all the time when I was a kid. I love it there! I never got to do the encounters, though - and how cool that you got to see so many baby animals!

  25. How adorable is that penguin?? Looks like it is the place for me to visit! :D


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