Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Wrap-up!

Kyle and I had a wonderful Christmas together here in NC with our "kids", Emmy and Fishy. Christmas Eve we spent the day lounging around and just enjoying each others company. We woke up at around 8:30am on Christmas morning (well Kyle was up before me) and decided to open our presents. I do have to say Kyle always does so good with presents for me and this year was no exception. I was able to surprise him with a few of his gifts: Playstation Move, Zelda game, Family Guy and Simpsons Beer Glasses, gift cards to Old Navy and Kohls and a great new jacket. He had received gifts cards from his family, cologne from my Dad and new shoes from my sister and brother-in-law. 

Here is a rundown in pictures:

New Crock Pot!!!


14 piece Simply Calphalon pots and pans

Super cute brown boots!!!!

I love these games, they are so much fun!

At one point or another during the year I had asked for all of these and he was so amazing in remembering. I love him so much!!!

After we finished opening gifts we skyped with my family to open our gifts together and it was so fun! We love watching our niece and nephew get so excited opening presents. My sister and brother in law got me these:


and my Dad got me this:

One of my favorite perfumes!!

After we finished skyping with them we were able to Skype with Kyle's family and it was good to see them!!! I received 2 gift cards from my brother-in-law and his fiancĂ©. I also got several gift cards to Old Navy and Target from my in-laws which definitely got put to good yesterday with all the after holiday sales. 

We enjoyed relaxing the rest of the day and we watched "A Christmas Carol" and then enjoyed a yummy dinner of honey baked ham, homemade cheesy au gratin potatoes, corn and homemade rolls. 

I probably won't have another blog post until after the New Year. I hope everyone have a safe and Happy New Year!!

1 comment:

  1. I love your taste in shoes!! Just came across your blog. Consider me a new follower. Id love for you to come check out my blog and hopefully do the same.



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